Rubio’s Position on Amnesty Exactly the Same as Obama’s

Republican Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio tried to draw a distinction between his position on amnesty for illegal and President Obama’s on amnesty but he ended up basically agreeing with the President. Rubio made the remarks while old spanish-language outlet Univision. Rubio said, in part: DACA…applies to young people that arrived in this country at […]

Obama’s Secret Plot to Undermine Federal Judge’s Ruling on Amnesty

A leaked memo has exposed a secret Obama Administration plot to undermine a federal judge’s ruling blocking his executive action granting millions of illegal aliens amnesty. The document, apparently prepared as follow-up from a DHS “Regulations Retreat” last summer, appears sure to re-ignite concerns in Congress as well as federal judges in the Fifth Circuit. […]

Thanks but No Thanks for the Advice Luis Gutierrez

Rabid illegal alien zealot Rep. Luis Gutierrez offered some deadly advice to Republican candidates after Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) introduced a letter committing new Speaker Paul Ryan to stopping all amnesty legislation for the balance of the current Congress. On October 27th, Rep. Brooks read into the Congressional record a letter he sent to Speaker […]

Ann Coulter: “I so love the idea of the ‘Great Wall of Trump.’”

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter spoke at a rally in San Antonio recently and explained why immigration is THE issue for Americans going forward. “If immigration continues the way it has been going, we are looking at 100 years of President Obamas.” She explained, this is the reason “Immigration is the one overriding issue for the […]

Obama to Spring 2,000 Foreign-Born Criminals

President Obama’s Department of Justice announced they are releasing 6,000 federal prisoners early due to overcrowding by the end of this month. About a third of the prisoners getting a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from Obama are foreign-born crooks who supposedly will be immediately deported. The mass release comes after the U.S. Sentencing Commission reduced […]

No Surprise: Deportation Numbers Nosedive

Deportations of immigrants has plunged over the last 12 months the lowest levels since 2006. In addition, deportations of dangerous criminals have hit a new rock bottom since Obama took office. The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. […]