Court Deals Third Blow to Obama’s Amnesty By Executive Action

On Monday night, a three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit struck a blow to President Barack Obama’s attempt to confer lawful presence and work authorizations on more than four million illegal immigrants. In a 2-1 decision, the panel ruled that a preliminary injunction that blocks Obama’s “Deferred Action for […]

Rubio’s Position on Amnesty Exactly the Same as Obama’s

Republican Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio tried to draw a distinction between his position on amnesty for illegal and President Obama’s on amnesty but he ended up basically agreeing with the President. Rubio made the remarks while old spanish-language outlet Univision. Rubio said, in part: DACA…applies to young people that arrived in this country at […]

Hillary’s Wild Lurch Toward Illegal Aliens

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin deconstructs Hillary Clinton’s latest lurch toward radical pro-illegal alien policies as her campaign stumbles forward. This week, Clinton donned her militant, pro-illegal immigration mask and vowed to out-executive amnesty her old pals at the White House. “I will go as far as I can, even beyond President Obama,” she bragged, “to […]

Study Indicates DREAMers Will Hold Key to Future Elections

The 5.5 million children of illegal aliens who stand to benefit from President Obama’s DREAM amnesty will have a huge impact on future elections according to a new study by the left-leaning Center for American Progress. “These numbers could provide sizable contributions to the margin of victory in swing states. In Florida during the 2012 […]

Jeb Bush: Show “Respect” to Illegal Immigrants

Was Chris Matthews correct when he said Jeb Bush is the most pro-immigrant politician in either party?  Jeb’s latest asks Americans to show “respect” for illegal aliens, the same people who show utter contempt for American immigration law and are now demanding all manner of taxpayer-sponsored goodies. Likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said the […]