Hillary’s Wild Lurch Toward Illegal Aliens

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin deconstructs Hillary Clinton’s latest lurch toward radical pro-illegal alien policies as her campaign stumbles forward.

This week, Clinton donned her militant, pro-illegal immigration mask and vowed to out-executive amnesty her old pals at the White House. “I will go as far as I can, even beyond President Obama,” she bragged, “to make sure law-abiding, decent, hard-working people in this country are not ripped away from their families.”

 The millions of “law-abiding” people she’s talking about legalizing, of course, are law-breaking border crossers, visa overstayers, document fraudsters and deportation fugitives who chose on their own to rip their families apart.

But hey, let’s not get bogged down in small details.

HIllary’s latest campaign rhetoric stands in stark contrast to her ramblings when she was merely a junior Senator from New YorkHillary_Clinton_speaking_at_Families_USA

During one of her umpteenth campaign reboots this summer, she hired a 26-year-old illegal immigrant “DREAMer” named Lorella Praeli to conduct “outreach to the Latino community.” She trumpeted her “comprehensive immigration reform” plan before the ethnic radicals of the National Council of La Raza (“The Race.”) And she crusaded last week for opening up Obamacare exchanges (which continue to crumble across the country under the weight of skyrocketing costs) to untold legions of immigrants here illegally.

Election-year conversions are nothing new. But Clinton’s immigration path contains more switchbacks than a Colorado mountain road. One season she’s a bleeding-heart Mechista. The next, she’s channeling her inner Pat Buchanan with sound bites that would make a Trump loyalist cheer. “A country that cannot control its borders is failing at one of its fundamental obligations,” she thundered many moons ago. “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants,” she asserted in 2003.

In the end, it’s just more of Hillary’s dissembling, lying and saying anything to anyone to get elected:

“You know where I stand” on immigration, Clinton is telling voters. But she doesn’t stand so much as she slithers from one expedient position to another and back in order to mollify Big Business and identity politics racketeers. Rest assured: The one role she’ll never play convincingly is that of truth-telling defender of “law-abiding, decent, hard-working” citizens who believe in putting American sovereignty and American interests first.

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