No Surprise: Deportation Numbers Nosedive

Deportations of immigrants has plunged over the last 12 months the lowest levels since 2006.

In addition, deportations of dangerous criminals have hit a new rock bottom since Obama took office.deportation

The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. Border Patrol. The figure does include roughly 136,700 convicted criminals deported in the last 12 months. Total deportations dropped 42 percent since 2012.

The Homeland Security Department has not yet publicly disclosed the new internal figures, which include month-by-month breakdowns and cover the period between Oct. 1, 2014, and Sept. 28.

As you may know, Obama assured Americans that his border security policy changes including illegal executive amnesty, would be matched with vigorous action against illegal alien criminals.  The reality: not so much.

The biggest surprise in the figures was the decline in criminal deportations. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson last year directed immigration authorities anew to focus on finding and deporting immigrants who pose a national security or public safety threat, those who have serious criminal records or those who recently crossed the Mexican border. The decline suggests the administration has been failing to find criminal immigrants in the U.S. interior, or that fewer immigrants living in the U.S. illegally had criminal records serious enough to justify deporting them.

Maybe illegal alien criminals are getting smarter about avoiding Obama’s enforcers.  Or maybe illegals are committing their crimes where federal officials can’t touch them like sanctuary cities.  Either way, more and more illegal alien criminals get to stay in the United States and commit crimes they should not have been able to perpetrate.



  1. sherri palmer says

    Always a liar, always going around the constitution and congress…They all should be severely thrown in prison.

  2. Vote for Trump and he’ll fix this mess Obama has created. And he’ll do it by executive order.


  1. […] on Obama’s record regarding deportations, it’s very likely these dangerous criminals will ever face even a deportation hearing.  All […]

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