Obama to Spring 2,000 Foreign-Born Criminals

President Obama’s Department of Justice announced they are releasing 6,000 federal prisoners early due to overcrowding by the end of this month.

About a third of the prisoners getting a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from Obama are foreign-born crooks who supposedly will be immediately deported.get out of jail free card

The mass release comes after the U.S. Sentencing Commission reduced the punishment for drug offenders convicted in the future and made the sentencing changes retroactive to those already in prison. The commission is an independent agency of the judicial branch whose principle purpose is to establish sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts. The commission also works with Congress, the executive branch, and those in the public sector on federal criminal issues.

The Post reported that the change in sentencing guidelines could result in the release of 46,000 inmates in federal prison – a little less than half of the 100,000 drug offenders who qualify for early release. The report of 6,000 inmates being released is just the first wave of that release. An additional 8,550 inmates are eligible for release between November 1, 2015, and November 1, 2016.

Justice officials were also reported to claim that 2,000 inmates planned for the original release – one-third of the 6,000 total – “are foreign citizens who will be quickly deported.” Many of those will potentially be criminal illegal aliens.

Based on Obama’s record regarding deportations, it’s very unlikely these dangerous criminals will ever face even a deportation hearing.  All they need to do is not show up like the millions who currently ignore judicial summons and are allowed to stay in this country.

If they hang around long enough, they can expect amnesty.

Local law enforcement officials are skeptical of the Obama Administration’s promises:

Sheriff Louderback responded to the report that 2,000 of the 6,000 prisoners set to be released are “foreign citizens” that “will be quickly deported” by retorting, “Define what is ‘quickly.’” “Moreover,” he added, “because this federal administration will not follow the rule of law and has created this Priority Enforcement Program, who can guarantee they will follow the law and now deport these illegal aliens?”

He asked, “Are they going to disregard their own Priority Enforcement Program and deport these individuals?”

Louderback urges that by creating the PEP exceptions, the federal government is refusing to follow the federal immigration laws that are on the books.

Will President Obama be asked if releasing 2,000 foreign-born criminals at the end of this month makes our streets safer?  Not by the mainstream media that is for sure.



  1. Kevin Denny says

    “Make’s No Logical Sense”
    Obama Report.

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