Don’t Speak the Truth: Bill Would Ban Use of the Word “Alien”

It was bound to come to this. Now the Far Left radicals want to censor the use of the word “alien” to refer to illegal immigrants who break the law by illegally crossing the border. The measure, introduced by Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, is known as the Correcting Hurtful and Alienating Names in Government Expression, […]

Immigrants Are Coming for Your Guns

One under the radar effect of the current avalanche of immigration pouring into the United States is how this mass of new voters will impact issues outside immigration. A recent Washington Post op-ed speculates one area Americans are likely to lose their Constitutional rights is the 2nd Amendment. “Support for, and opposition to, gun control […]

Illegal aliens lose first round in birth certificate fight

A federal judge signed an order on Friday that denied a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit filed by citizens of Mexico and several Central American nations claiming entitlement to birth certificates for their children born in the United States. They sued the Vital Statistics Unit of the Texas Department of State Health Services saying the […]

Here we go…ACLU sues Missouri colleges over illegal alien students

ACLU Sues Missouri Colleges for Denying Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition The American Civil Liberties Union filed multiple lawsuits in Missouri last week on behalf of three college students who claim they were wrongfully barred from receiving in-state tuition because of their immigration status under President Barack Obama’s executive action. The ACLU’s Missouri division sued three […]

Federal Judge Bars Birth Certificates for Illegals

A federal judge in Texas upheld the state of Texas’ right to deny U.S. birth certificates for children of illegal aliens. U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman released a ruling to allow Texas officials to prevent undocumented immigrants from procuring birth certificates for their children born in the United States. Because of this, a group of […]

Sessions & Brat to GOP Candidates: Cut Immigration or Quit the Race

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. David Brat called on every GOP Presidential candidate to address the immigration crisis immediately or get out of the Presidential race in a recent op-ed. Immigration reform should mean improvements to immigration policy to benefit Americans. But in Washington, immigration reform has devolved into a euphemism for legislation that opens […]