Stop Pandering: Ann Coulter Tells GOP to Man Up

Ann Coulter watched the Democratic debate earlier this week and noticed something: Hillary, Bernie and the three dwarves had no fear demonizing their opponents.  They essentially are writing off gun owners, who consist of nearly half the total population. Yet GOP campaign consultants constantly demand Republican candidates pander to Hispanic minorities, who are not only […]

Jerry Brown’s Motor Voter Act basically gives illegals the vote

On October 10th, (a Saturday when people were distracted), California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which automatically registers people to vote through the DMV. In a state full of illegal aliens, this is going to result in many of them voting. According to Breitbart, Any person who renewed […]

Speaker Candidate Paul Ryan a Disaster on Amnesty for Illegals

Paul Ryan has emerged as a leading candidate to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House. For immigration patriots, this may be the worst possible news. Rep. Ryan has a long record as a supporter of Open Borders and has been an active lobbyist for amnesty as well as a string of other pro-immigration […]