Chuck Schumer: Rubio’s “Fingerprints” All Over Amnesty Bill

Pro-illegal alien zealot Sen. Charles Schumer admitted this week that Sen. Marco Rubio’s “fingerprints” were all over 2013 amnesty legislation. “He was not only totally committed— he was in that room with us, with four Democrats, four Republicans… for hours a day, week after week after week,” Schumer told CNN. “His fingerprints are all over […]

Sessions & Brat to GOP Candidates: Cut Immigration or Quit the Race

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. David Brat called on every GOP Presidential candidate to address the immigration crisis immediately or get out of the Presidential race in a recent op-ed. Immigration reform should mean improvements to immigration policy to benefit Americans. But in Washington, immigration reform has devolved into a euphemism for legislation that opens […]

Stop Pandering: Ann Coulter Tells GOP to Man Up

Ann Coulter watched the Democratic debate earlier this week and noticed something: Hillary, Bernie and the three dwarves had no fear demonizing their opponents.  They essentially are writing off gun owners, who consist of nearly half the total population. Yet GOP campaign consultants constantly demand Republican candidates pander to Hispanic minorities, who are not only […]

Obama Unveils National Strategy to “Integrate” Millions of Immigrants

Part of President Obama’s executive diktat issued back in November 2014 was the creation of a White House Task Force on New Americans which recently held a conference to sort out how the White House was going to integrate millions of immigrants and refugees into so-called “Welcoming Communities”. The co-chair of the task force, Obama’s […]