Obama Demands Islamic Refugees Get Welfare

President Obama’s minions at the Department of Agriculture are strongarming states to dispense millions in food stamps for so-called “refugees.” Georgia is one of 28 states that have refused to accept Obama’s terrorist-infused wave of Syrian “refugees” and Georgia’s governor Nathan Deal has signed an executive order preventing these “refugees” from accessing Georgia’s welfare system […]

Thoroughly Vetted? 12 “Refugees” Turned Terrorists

The mantra of the pro-terrorist refugee crowd is that every so-called “refugee” taken in so far and every one in the future will be thoroughly vetted for pro-terrorist ties. But even before Obama opens the door to another wave of terrorist-infused refugees, Sen. Jeff Sessions has compiled a list of 12 refugees turned terrorists who […]

Conservative Icon Says Yes We Can Deport Illegals

Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly shot down the arguments of those pro-illegal alien politicians who say millions of illegal can’t be deported. “Every time they say, ‘You can’t deport these people, in my mind’s eye, I see the picture of those railroad cars carrying the illegals out of our country when Eisenhower deported them. They say […]

“Deportation Force” for Trump Adminstration

  Donald Trump doubled down on illegal aliens this week when he told an interviewer his Administration would have a deportation force to enforce immigration law. “You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely and you’re going to bring the country–and frankly, the people, because you have some excellent, […]

Outsourcers Game Visa System Against American Workers

Big international outsourcing companies are rigging the H1-B visa program which is squeezing out American workers and driving down wages for American tech workers.  the outsourcing companies are squeezing out legitimate users of the program,” he said. “The H-1Bs are actually pushing jobs offshore.” Those firms have used the visas to bring their employees, mostly […]

Illegals Demand Their Own “Bill of Rights”

Illegal aliens published their list of demands under the guise of a so-called “Bill of Rights” which include free health care, in state tuition rates and eventually full citizenship. The document oxymoronically calls for and end to the arrest and deportation of  “all law-abiding undocumented Americans.” “We know we have human rights, even though our […]