Updated Immigrant Mass Murder Tally: 472 Killed 183 Wounded

The slaughter in San Bernardino pushes the tally of immigrant mass murder casualties to 472 dead and 183 wounded since the folks over a Vdare.com began tracking the statistic.  This list remains incomplete, because of MSM suppression of the immigration status of criminals. I’m sure there are many cases I’ve either never heard  of, or […]

Immigrants Are Coming for Your Guns

One under the radar effect of the current avalanche of immigration pouring into the United States is how this mass of new voters will impact issues outside immigration. A recent Washington Post op-ed speculates one area Americans are likely to lose their Constitutional rights is the 2nd Amendment. “Support for, and opposition to, gun control […]

Candidate Interest in Latino Vote Increases

It’s well-known that the Latino vote generally leans left. But GOP primary candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are trying to change that. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, the two Republican presidential candidates seen as having the greatest chance to make inroads with the Latino vote that traditionally leans Democratic, recently stopped in Nevada, Bush […]