Updated Immigrant Mass Murder Tally: 472 Killed 183 Wounded

The slaughter in San Bernardino pushes the tally of immigrant mass murder casualties to 472 dead and 183 wounded since the folks over a Vdare.com began tracking the statistic. kuwaiti murderer

This list remains incomplete, because of MSM suppression of the immigration status of criminals. I’m sure there are many cases I’ve either never heard  of, or heard of but never knew the killer was an immigrant.



Killer Dead=61 Wounded=30
Syed Farook, Tashfeen Malik,Pakistan 14 17
Faisal Mohammed, American-born Muslim 0 4
Chris Harper-Mercer, born UK, mixed race 9 7
Brian Omar Hyde, killed own family 3
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez,Kuwait 5 2
Daron Dylon Wint, Guyana 4
Subhash Chander, India 3
Eh Lar Doh Htoo,Burma 3
Calvin Esdaile, Jr., Jamaican 1
Jonathan Camacho, Mexico,killed family 4
Pedro Vargas,Cuba 6
Omar Mohamed Kalmio, Somali 4
Bin Thai Luc,Vietnam 5


  1. Why should anyone be surprised by this latest news about all the lovely immigrants coming to America? Only the best and brightest come here to make America a better place to live, right.

  2. obama, protecting his own, he will never commit to calling his rabid dogs, Islamic terrorists. He is their best insurance in this country…and this countrys’ worst enemy.

  3. greyhound bus says

    united states immagration department

  4. greyhound bus says

    WAL-MART shoplifters

  5. Jim Gilchrist says

    We have social maladroit elected to office in DC who really don’t care to enforce our immigration laws, nor to drastically limit the number of immigrants coming to the US, both legal and illegal.

    We need a moratorium on immigration until we get our house in order. Then, we can resume immigration of a prescribed number of people who truly do have the vocational skills to be productive members of our society.

  6. greyhound bus says

    when I was in long island new York past a golf corse and a Bentley car dealer, somebody told me that the Mexicans are shooting everyone around here, so watch what you do.

  7. John Edward Blake says

    Back to Chicago turn of last century when immigrants became the gangsters of the times waging war and corruption on society .The government set up the FBI to combat this dangerous trend and when nescesary using the army to put them down or state guards.They delt with this .Now it is politically incorrect and you let them be or local police do what they can and there are a lot of excuses,and cover ups to hide what is really going on.The federal government is so huge it handicapes itself and politics creates just as much curruption as gangsters did.And socialism is breaking the back of the US economy.Then immigration comes and rolls over America like a tidal wave draining all public resources so citizens are left out in the cold and the devil rears its head as crime,violence,terrorism rears it`s head over and over again and the government in power asks why like the blithering fools they are.That should stir things up.

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