Conservative Icon Says Yes We Can Deport Illegals

Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly shot down the arguments of those pro-illegal alien politicians who say millions of illegal can’t be deported. “Every time they say, ‘You can’t deport these people, in my mind’s eye, I see the picture of those railroad cars carrying the illegals out of our country when Eisenhower deported them. They say […]

Rand Paul makes massive move to cut off US government cash to Syrian refugees

Liberal plans to give Syrian refugees a plush life in the United States at taxpayer expense may be wrecked by a senatorial monkey-wrench. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) came to the Senate floor on November 19th and withdrew cloture motions on the spending bill for the Department of Transportation and Department of Housing and Urban […]

Carson: Cut Welfare for Illegals

Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson told an audience in Las Vegas cutting welfare benefits for illegal aliens could be done easily within a year to cut down the attraction for illegal aliens to migrate to the United States. The retired neurosurgeon said it could be done easily in a year and suggested prosecuting all first-time […]

Cruz Immigration Plan Strong on Enforcement, Caps H1-B’s

Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz unveiled his own comprehensive immigration plan recently and it has taken some observers by surprise. Cruz hits all the important points the current Administration is ignoring when it comes to enforcement: Border wall? Check. Biometric screening system at points of entry? Check. An end to sanctuary cities? Checkity check. Criminalizing […]

Democrat Presidential Candidates Race to Rip Open Borders

The remaining candidates for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination are tripping over themselves to pander to the illegal alien lobby and see who can go further in tearing open our southern border and encouraging further lawlessness. All three candidates would open up parts of Obamacare to immigrants here illegally. And they’d all shut down controversial […]

Limbaugh: 2016 President Primary Decided Over Immigration

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh told his listeners recently the issue which will decide who carries the Republican banner in the 2016 Presidential election will be in touch with the grassroots on the immigration issue. “What explains Trump continuing to rise when it appears the excitement has waned or peaked or what have you?  […]