Democrat Presidential Candidates Race to Rip Open Borders

The remaining candidates for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination are tripping over themselves to pander to the illegal alien lobby and see who can go further in tearing open our southern border and encouraging further lawlessness.hillary and bernie

All three candidates would open up parts of Obamacare to immigrants here illegally. And they’d all shut down controversial detention centers that have become a hallmark of the Obama administration’s enforcement policies.

Still, even with their liberal stances, the Democrats are getting hammered by some advocates — and each other — for not being progressive enough.

In the Democratic presidential primary, it’s not enough anymore to just support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. This cycle, Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley are running even further to the left — betting that the dividends among Latino voters will outweigh any risk of turning off moderates.

So not only will the eventual Democrat nominee endorse illegal alien lawbreakers but will saddle the few remaining American taxpayers with the bill for their healthcare.

This seems to be their entire strategy, appeal to “voters” they have been importing for years and putting up a big middle finger to current American voters:

With that contrast in mind, strategists see little downside to Democrats loudly embracing immigration in the primary, particularly in presidential battleground states with significant numbers of Latino voters, such as Florida, Nevada and Colorado — where there also are competitive Senate races. That’s a major difference from the 2014 map, where vulnerable Senate Democrats in North Carolina, Louisiana and Arkansas resisted calls for executive action on immigration.

“Sure, some swing voters may be turned off,” said Jim Manley, former spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and now a senior director at QGA Public Affairs. “But the benefits of an energized base that includes an increasing number of Hispanic voters far outweighs the risk of losing them.”


As a result, there is an arms race to the Left on immigration with calls to go farther and farther in the destruction of the border:

That happened this week with O’Malley, the former Maryland governor who has struggled to gain traction in the polls and has made immigration a signature issue in his long-shot bid. O’Malley seized on comments that Clinton made at a New Hampshire town hall this week when asked about securing the southern border to prevent illegal immigration.

There, Clinton noted that she had voted multiple times as a senator to build such a barrier — a statement that the O’Malley campaign said was tantamount to “bragging” — and used the phrase “illegal immigrants,” which many immigration advocacy groups deem offensive.





  1. DenisetheCelt says

    George The JEW Soros has recently admitted that Nation States MUST be destroyed, in order to bring about Global Government aka Jew Tyranny. It’s the JEW, folks. It’s always been the Jew.

  2. Move them next to Clintons home,they can help clean her outhouse. How do dems justify this insanity? How do dem voters support this destruction of our nation?

  3. You can have OPEN borders or a Secure Country, but not both. You can have a HealthCare for America (USA), or the Planet but not both. American Citizens paying for the healthcare for the Planet is NOT doable, no matter what a Democratic Socialist says. I am offended by people calling themselves Democrat’s when they are actually Democratic Socialist’s. There has not been a Democrat for decades.

  4. sherri palmer says

    They don’t give a damn about Americans voting for them, good because I am a conservative! They want 3rd world people like the criminals & piss pot wetbacks to vote for them…because they are the only ones who also don’t give a damn and will vote for them for their welfare.

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