Carson: Cut Welfare for Illegals

Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson told an audience in Las Vegas cutting welfare benefits for illegal aliens could be done easily within a year to cut down the attraction for illegal aliens to migrate to the United States.Carson speaks to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland

The retired neurosurgeon said it could be done easily in a year and suggested prosecuting all first-time offenders, installing a double fence and using technology-driven surveillance to cut down sharply on the percentage of illegal crossings.

Those in the U.S. without problems with their stay here would be given a six-month period to register and pay a tax penalty. They would have to pay taxes going forward by taking jobs as guest workers, but would not get citizenship and voting rights.


  1. Dudley DoRight. says

    Illegals have figured it out. The more kids the brood mare has, the more money, housing, and food stamps.

  2. disqus_BAvz0LV7zw says

    All Republican candidates want to do that. Not only cutting off welfare, but sending back home those convicted illegal aliens ASAP to protect the American people.

  3. sherri palmer says

    They all should be sent back, especially all of them!

  4. And the harder it is to deport them because we can’t “separate families”. Go Trump!

  5. Dudley DoRight. says

    Who cares if we break up families. These brood mares can take their anchor babies with them, or turn them over for adoption.

  6. I totally agree with you. I was being sarcastic.

  7. the American says

    Welfare paid to illegal alien welfare leech parents on behalf of fake citizen anchor brats needs to stop RIGHTNOW…it was NEVER intended for that, NEVER.

  8. hopefully the wall/fence on the border will be electrically charged with a gazillion volts of shocking electricity…

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