Trump: “Complete Shutdown” to Islamic Immigration

Donald Trump called for a “complete shutdown” of immigration from Muslim majority nations in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. “We have no idea who is coming into our country, no idea if they like us or hate us,” Trump told supporters in South Carolina. “I wrote something today that is very […]

Shut Down Immigration from Terrorist Nations? Cruz, Paul Yes Rubio No

The Republican presidential field split on allowing immigration from nations infected with the Islamic State as contenders Ted Cruz and Rand Paul blasted fellow GOP contender Marco Rubio’s non-answer to President Obama’s lame oval office speech. Cruz tweeted that if elected president, “I will shut down the broken immigration system that is letting jihadists into […]

Hillary’s Pandering to Illegals on Healthcare Exposed

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was forced to defend her latest flip-flop as she was reminded that her current position on free health care for illegal aliens is markedly different from her past opposition to government-run health care for illegals. “In the past, you’ve said that undocumented immigrants would not be covered by your health […]

Cruz: I’ll Get Trump To Build The Wall

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz would enlist the services of current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to build a border fence with Mexico should he prevail in the 2016 Presidential contest. “Would a President Cruz build a wall along the entire Southern border and if you were President, would you appoint Donald Trump to build that […]

Billionaires Try to Jam Unfettered Immigration Down Our Throats

The 1% of the 1% are tossing their considerable financial muscle towards erasing the U.S. border and ushering in an era of insanely cheap labor for themselves and a docile voting majority for their political henchmen. Led by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, the FWD.US front group is preparing to lavish $10 million or more on […]

Early Primary State GOP Voters Say Agree With Us On Immigration or Go Home

The Republican Presidential primary field will likely be winnowed by the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And voters in these early states have made it clear: candidates who share their position on immigration and border security will be rewarded. According to CBS News’s polling conducted November 15-19, 61% of Iowa […]