Christie: Never a Path to Citizenship

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie tried his hand at finessing the question of illegal aliens by sounding tough with “never a path to citizenship” but declining to discuss amnesty or legalization. New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie stated he wouldn’t take any position on legalizing people in the US until the border […]

Rubio’s Record on Amnesty Far Different from Cruz’s

Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio claims his position on immigration is roughly the same as that of fellow Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz. However, a careful examination of the events leading up to the Senate vote on the so-called “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill shows two senators who could not be more different. Then-Senate […]

Jeb Bush’s Laughable History on Amnesty

The Republican presidential campaign has degenerated over the past few weeks into a finger-pointing contest over who has said what when about amnesty for illegals. Second-tier candidate Jeb Bush joined the party by claiming he’s the only candidate with a consistent view on illegal immigration. Except no one is really sure which position he’s been […]

Illegals Up In Arms Over Three Commonsense Oregon Initatives

Illegal alien zealots are whining and stamping their feet over three commonsense state-level initiatives set for the 2016 ballot in the state of Oregon. Their three proposals would make English the state’s official language, require people to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote, and make employers verify workers’ legal status. The state legislature […]

“Beltway Crapweasel” Rubio’s Ties to Open Borders Billionaires

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin runs down GOP presidential contender Marco Rubio’s long association with and financial ties to Big Business billionaires who are seeking to import millions of cheap foreign laborers. Facebook, Microsoft and Silicon Valley back Marco Rubio. Mark Zuckerberg is a social justice CEO who panders to Hispanics with his pro-amnesty, anti-deportation advocacy; […]

Sellout! Ryan’s Spending Bill Fully Funds ALL of Obama’s Immigration Agenda

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Speaker Paul Ryan is ushering through Congress a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill which would fully fund all of President Obama’s immigration agenda along with a disastrous quadrupling of low-wage foreign workers allowed into the country under the H-2 visa program. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) blasted […]