Christie: Never a Path to Citizenship

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie tried his hand at finessing the question of illegal aliens by sounding tough with “never a path to citizenship” but declining to discuss amnesty or legalization. New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie stated he wouldn’t take any position on legalizing people in the US until the border […]

We’re Under No Moral Imperative to Allow Any Immigration At All

Ann Coulter weighs in on Donald Trump’s latest proposal to pause Muslim immigration, the response to it from fellow GOP nominees and the left wing media and on the moral case made for allowing virtually unlimited immigration. For my best birthday gift this week, Donald Trump called for blocking Muslim immigration to the United States. […]

Fine Them Twice What They Make from Hiring Illegals Says Christie

Republican presidential contender Chris Christie offered a new solution to the illegal alien employment problem by suggesting raising the penalties for employing illegals to twice the profit made by using illegal alien labor. Responding to a question from Fox News contributor Sean Hannity, Christie said: “That’s how you deal with the 11 million, Sean, if you […]

Christie: Enforce Immigration Law Marco

Republican Presidential contender Chris Christie blasted fellow candidate Marco Rubio over his recent admission that as President he would essentially keep Obama’s executive actions in place. In an interview on the Laura Ingraham radio show, the New Jersey governor was asked about Rubio’s recent comments on Univision: It’s hard to keep up with how many […]

Chris Christie: No Border Fence

Potential Presidential candidate Chris Christie came out against a border fence during an economic summit hosted by Florida Governor Rick Scott. The solution to the country’s immigration issues is “not building a wall or fence on the entire border,” Christie said during an economic summit in Florida hosted by Gov. Rick Scott. “The entire border? Absolutely not.” […]