Likely Voters Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations

A new Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows a whopping 62% says the U.S. in not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens. This is up from 52% a year ago and 56% in November. Rasmussen’s poll also shows increasing opposition to so-called birthright citizenship and a massive majority who favor requiring proof of legal status […]

Thousands of Illegal Minors Still Crossing Border

The Department of Homeland Security reports over 2,000 unaccompanied illegal alien minors are still caught crossing the border every month. While these numbers are lower than the infamous 2014 “surge”, they still represent higher totals than in the past. For the most part, these illegal arrivals are simply released and end up joining the millions […]

Marco Rubio Sees the Light on Illegal Immigration

Sen. Marco Rubio, a leading champion of the “Gang of Eight” illegal immigrant amnesty bill a few years ago now has seen the light. Rubio, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) said his past support for amnesty was misguided and The bill’s critics were proven right, Mr. Rubio said, by what he described […]

2015 border surge likely, data shows

The Daily Caller — The flow of Central American migrant families across the Texas border is continuing at almost the same level as a year ago, according to newly released federal data. In the last three months of 2014, 7,468 Central American migrants crossed in family units, down only 12 percent from the 8,511 migrants who […]

House GOP leaders cancel vote on border security bill amid complaints

FOX News — House Republican leaders on Monday sidelined a controversial border security bill amid widespread disagreement among GOP lawmakers, making it the latest piece of legislation caught in an internal battle in the caucus. Chamber leaders blamed the decision to cancel the vote, which had been set for Wednesday, on the massive snowstorm hitting the […]

Border patrol aircraft possibly unsafe, despite rising maintenance costs

The Washington Examiner — Poor management of its aircraft fleet’s maintenance added $118 million in unnecessary spending by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and may have endangered some of its pilots. “Since 2009, the number of CBP aircraft maintained, annual flight hours and the average age of CBP’s aircraft fleet decreased,” the Department of Homeland […]