Likely Voters Say U.S. Not Aggressive Enough in Deportations

A new Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows a whopping 62% says the U.S. in not aggressive enough in deporting illegal aliens.

This is up from 52% a year ago and 56% in November.

Rasmussen’s poll also shows increasing opposition to so-called birthright citizenship and a massive majority who favor requiring proof of legal status before collecting welfare.

Thirty-two percent (32%) believe illegal immigrants who have American-born children should be exempt from deportation, an element of Obama’s plan, but 51% now disagree. In November, voters were much more closely divided: 38% said they should be exempt from deportation, and only 42% disagreed. Seventeen  percent (17%) remain undecided.

But then most voters (54%) continue to feel that a child born to an illegal immigrant mother in the United States should not automatically become a U.S. citizen, as is now the case.  Thirty-eight percent (38%) favor the current policy of automatic citizenship for these children. Opposition has ranged from 51% to 65% in surveys since April 2006. Support has been in the 28% to 41% range in that same period.

An overwhelming 83% of voters think someone should be required to prove they are legally allowed in the United States before receiving local, state or federal government services. Just 12% disagree. These findings have changed little over the past four years.

Although you wouldn’t know it from the behavior of the GOP leadership, the American people strongly back securing the border before any so-called “pathway to citizenship” and believe Obama’s amnesty will just encourage more illegal immigration.

Most voters continue to believe that securing the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers already here and think plans to offer legal status to such individuals will just encourage more illegal immigration.

More than half of voters remain opposed to Obama’s new plan that will allow nearly five million illegal immigrants to remain in this country legally and apply for jobs. Forty-seven percent (47%) think Congress should try to find ways to stop the president’s plan, while 41% believe Congress should allow this decision to stand.

Voters also continue to strongly support voter ID laws and don’t consider them discriminatory.

Hopefully our political leaders will look at these numbers and decide to pick up the flag of illegal immigration on a national level and secure the border the right way.

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