WARNING: This video is shocking. Watch as Western Civilization collapses in front of us

This incredibly depressing video shows how the influx and rise of Sharia-demanding Islamists is changing the face of Western civilization. The demands of these new immigrants are proving too much for the easy-going Europeans. And you’ll see how here in the US we are sending millions of dollars to refurbish the mosques where imams call […]

UN Global Police Initiative is here in the US now! Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Obama bust the Constitution

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhuhHK2LAYg] Watch KrisAnn Hall explain how American Sovereignty was just breached by Obama and his Attorney General Loretta Lynch. From the Department of Justice: Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism Cities are vital partners in international efforts to build social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.  Local communities […]

A Special Evening with Ann Coulter at the Reagan Foundation

Lou Dobbs Interview: Immigrants driving US record population growth

Mark Krikorian, CIS Executive Director, discusses population growth due to immigration policy on FOX Business’ Lou Dobbs Tonight.

Video: What the GOP candidates had to say about immigration

Immigration played a big part in Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate. Below is a video roundup of talking points from the candidates. First, a summary of all the major talking points: At one point, Jeb Bush said Donald Trump should apologize for bringing Bush’s wife Columba, who was born in Mexico, into the debate. Trump […]

Video: Ann Coulter debates Tavis Smiley on immigration

Ann Coulter recently got into a heated debate with PBS host Tavis Smiley on her oft-criticized views on immigration and immigration reform. Watch below: