Video: What the GOP candidates had to say about immigration

Immigration played a big part in Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate. Below is a video roundup of talking points from the candidates.

First, a summary of all the major talking points:

At one point, Jeb Bush said Donald Trump should apologize for bringing Bush’s wife Columba, who was born in Mexico, into the debate. Trump refused:

Bush, Trump, and Marco Rubio also sparred over the use of English and Spanish:

Comments from Trump and Chris Christie on illegal immigration:

Ben Carson discussed his plan for immigration reform, which includes allowing immigrants to work on farms, which he claims are jobs that Americans don’t want:

At one point during the debate, Lindsey Graham proclaimed, “In my world, Hispanics are Americans!”:

And finally, more general discussion on immigration:


  1. It should be obvious to anyone with a brain, the powers that be whether Republican, or Democrat want to do discredit Donald Trump. And that includes the news media anchors. It’s because he actually wants to enforce our immigration laws and refuses to apologize for it. I don’t care if Donald Trump eats babies for breakfast, he’s still got my vote! The Western World is being invaded by the Third World. What’s going on in Europe proves it.

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