WARNING: This video is shocking. Watch as Western Civilization collapses in front of us

This incredibly depressing video shows how the influx and rise of Sharia-demanding Islamists is changing the face of Western civilization. The demands of these new immigrants are proving too much for the easy-going Europeans. And you’ll see how here in the US we are sending millions of dollars to refurbish the mosques where imams call for America’s destruction. At the same time, the Muslim extremists are calling for the destruction of the Pyramids, on the grounds they are idolatrous.

Watch how Muslims call for the destruction of the West. And wonder how we can be funding it?


  1. billorights says

    I wrote the following to my email list late last night, BEFORE I actually watched this video!

    There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Islam and in particular Sharia Law is EXTREMELY dangerous for
    Western society. Several things about it makes it dangerous:

    1. Islam presupposes that the Quran and (less so) the Hadith is the perfect word of God, and that ANY deviation from what is strictly prescribed in these texts amounts to
    BLASPHEMY, which is punishable by DEATH! This runs totally contrary to principles established in Western Civilization, where freedom of thought, conscience, and expression are treated as almost sacred (as they should be).

    2. Women are clearly treated as inferior beings in Islam. They MUST wear appropriate dress that covers any “suggestive” parts of their body, preferably a burka with full, loose-fitting body dress. Because the prophet Muhammad was such a sex-crazed maniac, he required that all women dress this way, so that he would not be tempted to rape them every 5 minutes! Muslim men are taught that Muhammad was the perfect role model to follow, and Islam teaches that any woman who does not dress appropriately is fair game for any Muslim male to take advantage of and rape, practically at will! This is why we are seeing thousands upon thousands of European women getting raped by Muslim immigrant men now. It’s an under-reported story, so you may not be aware of this.

    3. Also along the same lines, a woman is considered to be the personal property of her husband in Islam. A man can divorce a woman very easily in Islam, but women are not
    accorded this right at all. The Quran says a “disobedient” wife can be BEATEN by her husband, albeit “lightly” (How do you lightly beat someone? With feathers maybe?)

    4. Liberals who keep demanding that we be “tolerant” of other cultures (the irony is lost on them), will be in for quite a surprise when they see how Islam deals with liberal
    issues like feminism and homosexuality. Both of these would be absolutely forbidden in an Islamic world. The latter would be punishable by death, usually by stoning. The same also holds true for adulterers. I have
    seen videos of real-life stonings that go on today in Islamic countries. These are about as barbaric as anything I have ever seen. A public beheading (which I’ve also seen) is far more humane, although the ones done with a long scimitar are preferable to those done with a pocket knife. What a wonderful world Islam promises to bring us – full of blood, vengeance and death. How could anybody be opposed to these things?

    5. This isn’t all of course. Then there are the people who have their hands chopped off for stealing a loaf of bread. Yes, let’s make a life-long example of people like that. You’ll know exactly what to do with someone with a missing
    hand – shun him like the plague! The gift that keeps on giving… For this and other reasons, Islam is completely lacking in what we as Christians have come to know as FORGIVENESS. Islam tries to achieve the impossible – to make a perfect person out of everybody. It completely misinterprets the Bible when it points out how Noah got drunk and naked in front of his children, or King David lusted after his favorite general’s wife, and so he had him slain. These were great prophets of God, according to the Quran, so why did the Bible portray them as less-than-perfect? It must be because the Bible was corrupted my men, so Muhammad was given the opportunity to correct all of this corruption! Islam simply doesn’t understand that all men are sinners and that NONE of us can ever be perfect, but Christ was sent to pay the price for our sinful
    nature, so that as long as we accepted Him as our Savior (and we repent of those sins), we would be forgiven for those sins. Islam has no such concept of forgiveness – that I’ve been able to tell anyway. So Islam takes a literal “Old Testament” view of sin and the appropriate punishment for

    So liberals had better beware of what they are wishing for here. The world of Islam in not what you think it is. If you thought Christians were “evil” for not baking a cake
    or a pizza for a “gay” wedding ceremony, you “ain’t seen nuthin yet”. Muslims will be like those Christians you are currently bashing… on steroids! Christians will sit back and let you ruin their whole life. Muslims believe in “getting even”, and they have no sense of humor about these matters at all.

  2. Soon, very soon you are all going to make your minds up, total surrender to Islam in slavery as favored by our Neo-Caliph in the White House, or totally proscribe them and send them all back to their natve happy lands of Islam, where they can enthusiastically murder each other to their hearts delight.
    The total poltical collapse of Europe will be first – by then it will be too late to reverse the rot in the U.S. of A. By then Americans will have been totally subjected to Political Brain Washing by our neo-Muslom President. At one time, over 600 years ago they were ejected from Europe. Very, very, soon the Europeans will have to make that decision again or die in Slavery to Islam. But I fear it is too late as our own Politicians in Washington DC haver betrayed us all having sold us into slavery for their own Millions of Pieces of Arab Gold. There are only Millionaire racial & religious traitors in both Congress and the Senate.

  3. sherri palmer says

    You are right; Obama is still trying to get 200,000 of these barbarians into America. We cant have this, we would be better off at the airport or the dock and knocking them off as they step onto our soil…If we dont fight this, no one will help. But Obama and Loretta lynch have signed on with the UN to bring in foreign police to supposedly train for violent extremism…and I don’t think it is to keep thems muslims in their place, but us so that we don’t get out of line, for a UN takeover, it is called a strong cities network…..http://baesic.net/minutemanproject/un-global-police-initiative-is-here-in-

  4. This is just another part of Obama’s plans to destroy White Western culture.

  5. Chrisitan confirmation makes one a soldier of christ….it is time for the 2nd crusades …time for history to repeat itself and the muslim invaders to be removed!

  6. sherri palmer says

    Make no mistake, it is White and Black, he doesn’t like Blacks anymore than Whites! Because we are Americans!

  7. sherri palmer says

    You just hit on something…”getting even”, we should all remember it, we might need to!

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