Carson: Cut Welfare for Illegals

Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson told an audience in Las Vegas cutting welfare benefits for illegal aliens could be done easily within a year to cut down the attraction for illegal aliens to migrate to the United States. The retired neurosurgeon said it could be done easily in a year and suggested prosecuting all first-time […]

Democrat Presidential Candidates Race to Rip Open Borders

The remaining candidates for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination are tripping over themselves to pander to the illegal alien lobby and see who can go further in tearing open our southern border and encouraging further lawlessness. All three candidates would open up parts of Obamacare to immigrants here illegally. And they’d all shut down controversial […]

Why Won’t Anyone Ask Marco Rubio About His Support for Amnesty?

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter asks the obvious question (that not a single debate moderator has the insight to ask): We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the […]

“Deportation Force” for Trump Adminstration

  Donald Trump doubled down on illegal aliens this week when he told an interviewer his Administration would have a deportation force to enforce immigration law. “You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely and you’re going to bring the country–and frankly, the people, because you have some excellent, […]

Trump Says Ike Did It So Can We

Donald Trump forcefully fought off attacks by pro-illegal alien politicians like John Kasich and defended both a strong defense of our Southern Border and serious immigration law enforcement. “We are a country of laws,” the real estate mogul declared. “We need borders. We will have a wall. The wall will be built. The wall will […]

Obama Whines to Supreme Court to Bail Out His Amnesty Powergrab

Thwarted at the district and appeal courts, President Barack Obama turns to his ace in the hole when it comes to rubberstamping his executive powergrabs: the Supreme Court. The swift decision by the Obama administration to appeal brought quick praise from Democratic lawmakers and immigrant advocates, who have raised alarms that the fate of Obama’s […]