Obama Hurrying to Add Millions of Immigrants to Voter Rolls Before 2016

President Barack Obama is leading a massive effort to sign up millions of immigrants as registered voters before the 2016 elections. Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin describes just a few of the efforts the Obama Administration are undertaking to ensure they continue to wield political power long after Obama’s term in office ends. The Obama administration […]

“Motor Voter” Laws Ease Signing Up Illegals to Vote

States are registering non-citizens to vote through the mandatory “Motor Voter” law even if they indicated on their forms they are non-citizens. J. Christian Adams, a former United States Department of Justice official in the Civil Rights Division will show the Supreme Court in a brief later this month that non-citizens are registering to vote […]

Feds Blocking Illegal Alien Voting Probe

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted found 44 cases of illegal aliens voting in Ohio and could find more but federal officials refuse to hand over crucial data. Husted’s investigation used Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicle data to cross check voter rolls.  However, for a match, the BMV record must be self-identified as a non-citizen. […]

Path to Power: 5 Million New Illegal Alien Voters

Barack Obama knows exactly what he’s doing by giving 5 million illegal aliens Social Security numbers and all the documents they’ll need to become loyal Obama regime voters for decades to come says Phyllis Schafley. The way this devious formula works is stunningly simple. Just get the new Republican Congress (under Speaker John Boehner and […]