Obama Hurrying to Add Millions of Immigrants to Voter Rolls Before 2016

President Barack Obama is leading a massive effort to sign up millions of immigrants as registered voters before the 2016 elections.Vote-Here

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin describes just a few of the efforts the Obama Administration are undertaking to ensure they continue to wield political power long after Obama’s term in office ends.

The Obama administration is here at the ready to provide new “customer service enhancements” this week so that “naturalization applicants will be able to use credit cards” to pay their $595 naturalization and $85 biometric fees. DHS has also formed a new partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture “to provide temporary office space to USCIS” and to “provide services to communities with significant numbers of immigrants who are not located near a USCIS office. Services will include biometrics collection, case interviews and information presentations.”

Wait, that’s not all. The same government that wasted billions of dollars on the botched federal Obamacare website for Americans has helpfully set up “new interactive practice civics tests” to help their new future voters secure a permanent Democratic ruling majority. The election-year naturalizers will have the test ready “in English … with other languages to follow” soon.

The government agencies which cannot locate anyone who overstays their visa have turned into a smoothly functioning machine when it comes to signing up new voters, many of whom can’t even speak or read the language. Not only are government agencies conspiring to conscript as many new voters as possible, they are forking out huge sums to private left-wing lobby groups to help them.

Did you know that the Obama White House released $10 million in taxpayer money to 40 of its favorite left-wing groups in 26 states to facilitate the expedient citizenship drive? The amnesty-championing Asian Americans Advancing Justice is just one of the social justice recipients involved in pushing green card holders to naturalize — not to show their patriotism, but to march in partisan lockstep so that “political candidates will no longer be able to ignore this growing political force.” ACORN lives.

How carefully will the Obama DHS conduct its background checks of citizenship applicants before the election? If history is any guide, we already know the answer: as carefully as the EPA protects rivers in Colorado!

Remember: In the 1990s, the Clinton administration first turned immigration policy into a massive Democratic voter recruitment machine through the Citizenship USA program. Naturalization officers simply abandoned background checks wholesale. Former House Judiciary Committee chief counsel David Schippers recounted how a “blatant politicization” of the then-INS took place during the 1996 presidential campaign, during which the White House pressured the agency into expediting citizenship to thousands of aliens whom the White House counted as likely Democratic voters.

Obama and the Left have decided if they can’t win elections, they will just elect a new people.



  1. And what are the Republicans doing to stop it? NOTHING!!!

  2. Dudley DoRight. says


  3. Just why isn’t Congress doing anything to stop this? The Republicans have a majority in both houses. Or is this another example of Executive Orders?

  4. sherri palmer says

    Holder is a great big n word and racist!

  5. Dudley DoRight. says

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