Feds Go After Border Patrol Agent for Murder of Rock Throwing Illegal

A Border Patrol agent has been charged by a federal grand jury with second-degree murder in a cross-border shooting incident. Agent Lonnie Swartz is accused of killing Elena Rodriguez during a rock-throwing incident near Nogales, Arizona. The Border Patrol has said that Elena Rodriguez was among a group of rock throwers endangering agents’ lives. His family […]

Foreign-Born Share of US Population to Reach Record High

According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of foreign-born population residing in the United States will reach a record of nearly 18% by 2065 if current trends are maintained. In the 50 years since the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act was passed, 59 million immigrants have flooded into the United States. Immigration since 1965 […]

Half a Million Illegals Get Driver’s Licenses in CA

Your kids may have to jump through hoops to get a valid driver’s license but over half a million illegal aliens have walked into California motor vehicle bureaus this year and have been issued valid licenses. Armando Botello, a spokesman for the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, said Friday that the milestone was reached last […]

Mexico Doesn’t Want Illegals In Their Neighborhood

A prime example of hypocrisy from Guadalajara, Mexico: Residents of a Guadalajara neighborhood insist they are not guilty of discrimination or racism by opposing the relocation of a shelter for Central American migrants passing through the city on their way to the United States. At a small demonstration held Sunday [August 23], around 70 neighbors […]

Donald Trump FULL Press Conference with families of people killed by illegal aliens

Watch it all here. Donald Trump speaks on illegal immigration and lays the blame for illegal immigrant criminals squarely at the feet of the Mexican and American governments. Trump believes the Mexican government has made a calculated decision to send their criminals here knowing they will be imprisoned at the American taxpayers’ expense. It’s around 50 […]

Ann Coulter: Trump Vilified for Truth Telling

Ann Coulter deconstructs the media frenzy to demonize Donald Trump’s comments on illegal immigration during his presidential announcement. Coulter notes nothing in the media criticism resembles refuting the facts about illegal immigrants and their crime rates. Then Coulter drops the truth bomb on the illegal immigrant backers and their deliberate attempts to hide the scope […]