Donald Trump FULL Press Conference with families of people killed by illegal aliens

Watch it all here. Donald Trump speaks on illegal immigration and lays the blame for illegal immigrant criminals squarely at the feet of the Mexican and American governments.

Trump believes the Mexican government has made a calculated decision to send their criminals here knowing they will be imprisoned at the American taxpayers’ expense.

It’s around 50 minutes long so make time for this.




  1. I welcome Trump and his truth telling. Look what others in politics for so long have done to us. It’s way beyond diabolical, it’s anti-American, dictatorial and loathsome. There might be ten good politicians in the United States. Maybe five of them honest. Maybe less. Now that Trump has entered politics he is one of these. I embrace Trump and I hope a man with his courage and patriotism makes it to the White House. It would be like much needed, on an emergency basis, disinfectant for the man and his groupies who have power right now. It has NEVER, NOT EVER been this bad: a man in the White House who endlessly bullies those who do not agree with him? Keeps our borders open as a petulant action to garner more votes, by placing the country in danger? An imposter, a totally seditious fraud in the White House? A serial liar? How did this happen? We are to blame. Are we really that stupid? Never again, or it’s over.

  2. disqus_cBkQwOnJNc says

    dwimby, your right on target with you comment. all the illegals coming to america and the ones already here is creating a voter base for hillary. it worked form obama. so they figure americans are so stupid it will work again for hillary. that is why there was such a outcry over voter i.d. . americans don’t be stupid again or don’t let your caring and loving heart cave in to a trap of torture for you and all of america.its all a trap for you to fall in to. you bite on their trap then they laugh at you for bring so unsupecting or gullible.that what a the little kids crossing the border by themselves was for. setting t6hat hook for you to bite on.them parents wasn’t far behind them kids

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