Jeb Bush: I’m Fine With Obama’s Amnesty Executive Action

Legacy Presidential candidate Jeb Bush told FOX News he would not reverse President Obama’s executive action on amnesty if he were to find himself in the Oval Office. Instead, Bush argued Congress should pass amnesty to make it legal and official. Bush also believes: GOP voters “can be persuaded” to his way of thinking on the […]

Marco Rubio on Amnesty?

Newly minted GOP Presidential candidate Marco Rubio made the media rounds in the wake of his announcement and he faced questions about his position on amnesty for illegals. First, a Byron York interview surfaced from Rubio’s unsuccessful attempt to pass the Gang of Eight immigration bill back in 2013. “Here’s my big worry,” Rubio told […]

FOX News in Bed With Obama on Amnesty

Veteran journalist and admitted liberal Mickey Kaus, despite his pedigree, is solidly anti-amnesty for illegal aliens. However, when he tried to take FOX news to task for their implicit support for Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on amnesty, his employer the Daily Caller refused to publish his takedown of FOX. Kaus was told we don’t “trash […]