Jeb Bush: I’m Fine With Obama’s Amnesty Executive Action

Legacy Presidential candidate Jeb Bush told FOX News he would not reverse President Obama’s executive action on amnesty if he were to find himself in the Oval Office.

Instead, Bush argued Congress should pass amnesty to make it legal and official.

Bush also believes:

GOP voters “can be persuaded” to his way of thinking on the issue.

The action is currently being held up by a Texas federal judge as he considers a multistate lawsuit against Obama. Bush said he thinks the states will prevail in the lawsuit.

Asked about the political minefield of using an executive action to reverse the policy, Bush replied, “Pass meaningful reform of immigration and make it part of it.”

He also defended his belief that illegal immigrants should be given driver’s licenses and their children given in-state tuition.

“If you’ve been here for an extended period of time, you have no nexus to the country of your parents,” he said, adding, “What are we supposed to do? Marginalize these people forever?”

After spending most of his time apologizing for illegal aliens, Bush decided to get “tough”:

“I think illegal immigration ought to be punished by coming out from the shadows, earning legal status over an extended period of time where you pay a fine, where you work, where you don’t receive government assistance, where you learn English … where you’re deported if you commit a crime, as is the law.”

Sure Jeb, you’ll make illegal aliens pay a fine and you won’t allow them taxpayer-sponsored benefits.  One withering editorial from your pals at the New York Times about the hardships of illegal immigrants who can’t get food stamps and you’d collapse like a house of cards.



  1. Of course this is the expected response from the mouth of a Bush family member… after all they are all members of the ‘New World Order’ movement and totally Anti-American when it really comes down to it…

    Bush Family, just like the Clinton’s can not be trusted with anything… I wouldn’t even trust them to watch a pan of dirt.

  2. What a turd! The RINOs are traitors and just same old control freak elites ! No different at all than others like Boehner and crew or even Reid, Pelosi and Schumer when all is said and done.

    Why sis it that illegal aliens have more representation than you do ?

  3. TexRancher says

    What kind of president would leave the borders wide open for foreign nationals to invade the country? That’s what we’d have with a president Jeb!

  4. 40Helen60 says

    Another reason I will never vote for Jeb. He would be just like all the other Liberals in Washington. He may call himself a Republican, but like John McCain, he will not be true to his party. Let’s not forget, it was McCain and Ted Kennedy who tried to get the amnesty bill passed, but it failed. Obama did it on his own without even going through Congress. Jeb is going to be just like Hillary, and those other lyin Liberals. Jeb must not get the nomination.

  5. Dennis B Anderson says

    These people like Jeb are so far away from reality. With those glasses he reminds me of the kid that sat in the back of the room no one really got or liked. Who knows whats going on behind him the family is pushing. We dont need more immigration we need them to go away.

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