Rubio’s Position on Amnesty Exactly the Same as Obama’s

Republican Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio tried to draw a distinction between his position on amnesty for illegal and President Obama’s on amnesty but he ended up basically agreeing with the President. Rubio made the remarks while old spanish-language outlet Univision. Rubio said, in part: DACA…applies to young people that arrived in this country at […]

Trump Walks Back Foreign Worker Endorsement

Donald Trump has carried the banner against illegal immigration to the top of the polls in the GOP Presidential sweepstakes. However, his performance in the latest debate regarding high-paying jobs being taken from Americans and given to foreign replacements through the H1-B visa program has slowed his momentum. Trump attempted to clarify his position in […]

Rubio Defends More H1-B Visas

Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio defended his position on increasing the number of foreigners allowed into the U.S. on H1-B visas, but tried to add some new conditions. Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) defended increasing the number of H-1B visas, but argued for reforms to prevent undercutting wages and abuse of […]

Trump Backtracks on H1-B Visas

Donald Trump stepped back from previous statements critical of a massive expansion in H1-B visas during the Republican debate yesterday. Trump was asked, “You have been very critical of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, who has wanted to increase the number of these H-1Bs –.” He cut in to say he was “not at all” critical […]

Sessions: Amnesty Likely in 2017

Senator Jeff Sessions warned that events were moving toward full scale amnesty for illegal aliens in 2017. “The word is… that 2017 is the year to watch for immigration,” radio host Laura Ingraham asked Sessions. “What are the chances… that if Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is Speaker and Hillary Clinton is President of the United States, or Sen. Marco […]

Rubio: “I Do” Support Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio has been all over the place when it comes to illegal immigration. His latest position came during an interview with a local TV station in New Hampshire.       “I do,” Rubio said, when asked if he supports a path to citizenship for those currently in the United […]