Transgender Immigrant Detainees to be Housed By Gender Identification

In a surprising change of policy, immigration officials are considering housing transgender detainees in accordance with the gender they identify with, rather than their biological sex. “ICE will allow for the placement of a transgender woman consistent with their gender identity, meaning that a transgender woman could be with biological females,” said Lorenzen-Strait, who was […]

Sports Journalist Killed in Car Crash with Illegal Immigrant

Gustavo Castillo Gutierrez was charged Tuesday for causing a car crash in Oklahoma City that killed local sports journalist Bob Barry Jr. The fatal crash occurred on Saturday. According to police, Barry was on his motorcycle in the left lane on May Ave., near Memorial, when Gutierrez was driving in the right lane. Police say Gutierrez […]

Undocumented Immigrant Granted Law License by NY Court

A New York appeals court has ruled to allow an illegal immigrant to practice law in the state. Mexican-born 31-year-old Cesar Vargas was brought to the U.S. by his mother when he was five. According to the Wall Street Journal, Vargas obtained a renewable two-year amnesty through a government program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The court’s […]