Undocumented Immigrant Granted Law License by NY Court

new york supreme courtA New York appeals court has ruled to allow an illegal immigrant to practice law in the state. Mexican-born 31-year-old Cesar Vargas was brought to the U.S. by his mother when he was five.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Vargas obtained a renewable two-year amnesty through a government program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The court’s decision applies only to people enrolled in that program, thus only affecting immigrants who were 30 or younger in 2012.

Vargas, who advocates for reforms to immigration laws, passed the state bar exam after attending New York City public schools, St. Francis College in Brooklyn and CUNY Law School, the court said.

The New York appellate panel stated:

We find that Mr. Vargas’ undocumented immigration status, in and of itself, does not reflect adversely upon his general fitness to practice law. Mr. Vargas did not enter the United States in violation of the immigration laws of his own volition, but rather, came to the United States at the age of five at the hand of his mother. When considering the weight to be accorded to his unlawful entry, we are guided by the United States Supreme Court’s long-standing recognition that ” [v]isiting . . . condemnation on the head of an infant is illogical and unjust.’”


  1. azsequaya says

    By “Undocumented Immigrant” ,,,, I suppose you ACTUALLY mean “ILLEGAL ALIEN” !!

  2. So, now we allow illegal immigrants to practice law in NY. Obama must be happier than punch, as one of his illegals made good. Like we don’t have enough lawyers already, we have to let an illegal immigrant join this “unique” group.

  3. KDickley says

    The more illegal pieces of crap he gives amnesty to, the more people join the piece of crap democrat party.

  4. I say send him back to Mexico and let him practice law there. What a joke our judicial system and our nation has become.

  5. all part of ovomits/satans the ineligible treasonous war crimes racist muslum traitor in the wh his agenda21{new world order}with open borders which he and eric{i,m in contempt of court}holder have told the border patrols to stand down on arresting illegals{means against the law}aliens/drug cartels/muslum terrorists,so they can saturate america for ovomits private illegal army.this is war on the legal american veterans/citizens.god bless all legal american veterans/citizens

  6. we do no have one any longer , only agenda driven policies to make people think we still have laws ?

  7. Maria-Erlinda Martinez says

    Some non-leftists, such as this Caitlyn, are so stupid that they call illegal aliens with the labels of either “undocumented immigrant” or “illegal immigrant” or “undocumented worker” coined by the hardcore-Left to give illegal aliens a foot in the door toward staying in America.

    An immigrant is a person who 1- moves from country “A” to in country “B” to 2- settle in said country “B”…the two actions done in full compliance with the immigration laws of country “B”.

    So, those who trespass our land, air or water borders are trespassers and illegal aliens.

    And, those also who entered legally but overstay their visas are illegal aliens.

    Dig it, you, Caitlyn?

  8. Maria-Erlinda Martinez says

    …elect genuine grassroots-conservatives to public office, particularly the U.S. presidency, senate and house of representatives.. Of course, state, county/parish/borough/, special district (e.g., school, public transportation, utilities, etc.) should be included there also.

    Just sending illegal aliens back to where they came without stopping the influx at the borders and at the place of work won’t do the job.

    We need in addition is genuine grassroots-conservatives –neither primadonnas, nor faux conservatives, nor flamboyant characters– in public offices who will enforce existing immigration laws.

    Those laws are very good; what happens is that the Democrats brazenly have vowed not to enforce those laws, are not enforcing them, and even prosecuting those who enforce them.

    Then, RINOs (e.g., McCain, Susan Collins, Pataki, etc.) and establishment Republicans (e.g., the Bushes,etc.) ignore such laws to

  9. Happened in California too. Elites are destroying this country.

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