HIllary’s Fibs on Illegals Called Out by . . . Washington Post????

Presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spent most of last week talking out of both sides of her mouth on illegal immigration. But her latest illegal immigration whopper was too much even for her cheerleaders over at the Washington Post. Hillary claimed illegal immigrants paid more in taxes than big corporations. “In New York, which […]

You Know You’ve Gone Too Far on Amnesty When Lindsey Graham Attacks You

Noted amnesty enthusiast Sen. Lindsey Graham chided Hillary Clinton for here recent about face on illegal immigration. “She’s shown no leadership on this issue. She’s been a follower. I think it’s just political pandering,” Graham said. “No American should want the executive branch to do something this monumental by themselves.” Recently, Hillary endorsed President Obama’s […]

Hillary Immigration Shocker: I’m “Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants”

Who knew Hillary Clinton could be a Minuteman Project volunteer?  Here Hillary makes our point on illegal immigration on a radio show back in 2003. “We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainly […]

Marco Rubio on Amnesty?

Newly minted GOP Presidential candidate Marco Rubio made the media rounds in the wake of his announcement and he faced questions about his position on amnesty for illegals. First, a Byron York interview surfaced from Rubio’s unsuccessful attempt to pass the Gang of Eight immigration bill back in 2013. “Here’s my big worry,” Rubio told […]

Obama and Hillary Can but Sheriff Joe Can’t

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being squeezed by the same federal court’s President Barack Obama and future Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton routinely ignore. Sheriff Joe faces a court hearing in April for the grave crime of attempting to enforce immigration law.  He has consistently had officers under his command stop and detain illegal alien lawbreakers […]