Scott Walker’s Latest: Talks Tough On Immigration

GOP Presidential aspirant Scott Walker must have read the latest polls on American’s attitudes toward the massive amount of illegal immigration and decided to campaign against amnesty and for enforcement.

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday evening, Walker showed he’s grown leaps and bounds on the issue of illegal immigration—and the effect it has on the economy—saying for the first time he’s going to stand up for American workers against corporate interests lobbying for a massive increase in cheap foreign workers.

Hannity mentioned previous criticisms of Walker on immigration before asking him about his border trip with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“I went to Texas to the border with Governor Greg Abbott who offered,” Walker responded. “I’m going to go back to Arizona and New Mexico and maybe to California with local and state officials there as well, but in Texas in particular Greg Abbott showed me with the men and women on the ground from the local level to the state level to even some of the fine men and women who work for the federal government and they show that we’re just being overrun, that this is an issue of safety, of security, national security, it’s ultimately an issue of sovereignty.”

“If the United States was being attacked in one of our water ports on the East or West Coast, we’d be sending in our military forces, and yet we’re facing some of the same challenges with international criminal organizations, the cartels that are trafficking not only drugs but weapons and humans and we need to step up and be aggressive,” he explained. “That means securing the border with infrastructure, with technology, with personnel and the federal government’s got to lead the way. We can’t expect the border states to do this alone. The federal government needs to step up and act.”

Scott Walker’s position on illegal immigration is still up for debate. A Wall Street Journal report a few weeks ago seemed to indicate he was rhetorically opposing Obama’s amnesty while secretly reassuring big donors of his pro-amnesty bone fides.



  1. Voting no longer counts as Soros own,s too many of the voting machines and barry is importing new voters. The only way left is for each state to pass laws that curtail the hiring of IMPORTED VOTERS. When the system becomes overloaded the Fema will have to FEED them. it will become a food fight. The rise in food prices will effect everyone including barry,s Import,s. When the barn door is slam in their faces they will become more CRIMINAL than they already are and barry will have a huge problem on his hands barry,s plan for Dictatorship will cut killery out of the game he is playing. We will be very lucky to even have an election in 2016, as crooked as it will be!!

  2. Walker may be talking tuff now, but if he get’s into the White House will he keep his promise? I wonder. The corporations want cheap labor and they want to stick the taxpayer with the social services the Third World immigrants will devour.

  3. the American says

    No more lies….Right. Until he declares he is for enforcement of existing law, Stop talking about the border , what about the millions of illegal alien invaders already here? . DON’T TRUST HIM….start talking about interior enforcement. … not one more HB 1 visa should be issued, or green card we are already overrun with these criminals.. ..National E-verify that is actually enforced will go along way…no amnesty, never again

  4. the American says

    we saw that happen with all the rino pukes and even some of the tea party backstabbers after the midterms.

  5. jerry1944 says

    T Cruz is my first choice but Walker is my second and I don’t have a 3rd but if nether of them make it then I still have 3rd party to vote for

  6. I don’t trust this clown one bit! First he loves illegal aliens and giving them amnesty and all of the sudden he changes his mind! No way a person changes his core beliefs just like that! Echos of Rubio and Bush can be heard here!

  7. Hell I have two kids (Americans) and a Brazilian wife (Kid’s mom) who earns good pay and it is hell trying to get her a visa legally!

  8. sherri palmer says

    there are 15 to 16 million illegals in this country, that is the number that was estimated on another website, I have a feeling that it is closer to 25-30 mill. The Feds say 11 mill, yeah, right …there are that many in NJ.

  9. sherri palmer says

    all of the GOP is talking that amnesty stuff that makes you want to slap them, rand paul is for amnesty and he isn’t even talking about it! I think that is the new “strategy”, will not bring up amnesty! We all know that congress is on the take because they voted to give Obama his funding.

  10. sherri palmer says

    and the water problem will not go away especially with all of the free loading illegals in this country, we should demand that all of obamas executive orders be reversed, including all illegals the hell out of here.

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