Obama Desperate to Begin Amnesty

The Hill reports President Obama is getting more and more desperate to impose his unconstitutional amnesty for illegal aliens before it gets caught up in a long legal battle.

That’s why he recently demanded the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturn Judge Andrew Hanen’s injunction stopping his executive edict.

The political motive for this move was clearly revealed by the Hill:

The quicker the lawsuit is resolved, the more people the administration could sign up for deportation relief. And advocates believe once people are receiving benefits, it could become politically untenable for Republicans to undo the programs.

“Politically untenable” of course means millions of illegal aliens will immediately be signed up to vote and be reliable Obama regime voters for years to come.



  1. One must ask! “Why the disparity”? I call it a RUSH to judgement! Kinda like the RUSH to pass obombercare! We all know what happened there! Well, at least most of us know.

  2. The federal government records show that Obama has had 16 million unemployed people dropped from the ‘US Workforce’ during his Presidency, and never added a single one back in, as the Obama administration now admits that there are an additional 9 million unemployed people in the ‘US Workforce’ today, and when added to those Obama had dropped, totals 25 million people who have lost their jobs during Obama’s Presidency, and have not yet been able to find a job to replace the one they’ve lost. The CBO has also stated that there are well over 6 million Americans who have both lost their jobs and have been able to only find a part-time job to replace the one they’ve lost, and people who had a full-time job that was demoted to a part-time job because of Obamacare, and when added to those unemployed people unable to find a job to replace the one they’ve lost, shows that there are now over 31 million unemployed and underemployed American citizens in the USA today. Mean while an independent economic report came out six months ago stating that all the ‘NET JOBS’ created over the last seven years have all been taken by immigrants, both legal and illegal, and another independent economic report through a different source came out just last month that stated the number of both legal and illegal immigrants that have entered the USA in the last ten years have numbered more than twice the number of jobs that were created in the USA during those same ten years. This explains the over 31 million unemployed and underemployed American citizens in the USA today, while Obama wants to give amnesty to another five million illegal immigrants, that will certainly bloom to twice that number, so all those unemployed and underemployed American citizens will never be able to improve their situation in the US Economy, as both legal and illegal immigrants take any jobs created for a much smaller wage than the American citizens expect to get in order to make a living, while the immigrants, both legal and illegal, have their incomes supplemented by Obama’s federal entitlement handouts that he makes sure all immigrants get, without ever having paid into those entitlement programs, even to the extent of spending a million dollars a year since Obama became President to advertise those US entitlement programs in Mexico City, Mexico. Now these illegal immigrants that Obama is going to give an illegal amnesty and path to citizenship to will also be able to apply and get the ‘Earned Income Tax Rebate’ from the Social Security System for three years, even though they’ve never paid taxes before, which is projected to be over $2 billion over the next three years, while the Social Security System is projected to enter the long awaited and rued period of paying out more than it takes in each year starting in 2016. Does Obama really love the USA and it’s people, or is Rudy Giuliani right about Obama?

  3. Americans by the millions have bought rope, lots of rope, and they have someones name already on it. BHO are the initials.

  4. sherri palmer says

    He cant wait for the take over, he rushes everyone, but is slow to act otherwise! He loves being in control. We have to take that “control” from him, congress will not! He is the most vile human on the earth! I truly hope America has an uprising against this administration and against his policies and regulations and against evey illegal in this country!

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