BREAKING: Obama Whines to Higher Court

Unsuccessful in their campaign to browbeat Judge Andrew Hanen into removing his stay against the unconstitutional amnesty executive order, lawyers from Obama’s Justice Department have just filed a motion in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to remove Judge Hanen’s order.

Obama’s legal cronies are demanding a ruling by the 26th of March so they can resume handing out work permits and Social Security numbers to millions of illegal immigrants.

Here’s a taste of the outrageous “legal” arguments made by the Obama crew:

The Federal Government seeks an immediate stay pending appeal of a nationwide preliminary injunction against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) seeks to effectively prioritize the removal of aliens who have recently crossed the border, committed crimes, or threaten public safety and national security by, inter alia, establishing guidelines for considering requests for temporarily deferring removal of other aliens who pose no such threats and have longstanding and close family ties to the United States. The preliminary injunction restrains the exercise of that prosecutorial discretion, a quintessentially executive function that is traditionally unreviewable. In so doing, it undermines the Secretary’s authority to enforce the Nation’s immigration laws by disrupting the Secretary’s comprehensive effort to effectively allocate limited enforcement resources.

You are reading that correctly. Obama claims he’s actually protecting us from evil illegal immigrants by granting amnesty to almost all of them.

In addition, he claims his powers of “prosecutorial discretion” are “unreviewable” or in other words Obama’s word is above the law.

Finally, he claims this is all necessary because he simply must “effectively allocate limited enforcement resources.”

Here’s hoping the 5th Circuit sees through this legal mumbo-jumbo.


  1. brenda besson says

    Lol, he is bypassing the judge, I dont think this is going to work.thank god.

  2. greyhound bus says

    new boarder patrol

  3. Conservative one says

    I would suggest that Obama is in serious need of a brain transplant, but his body would automatically reject a working one!

  4. scarlettny says

    I think we all need to pray this doesn’t work. I sure hope the judge that hears this case is strong minded for the American People.

  5. Judge Andrew Hanen has just become a patriotic ‘HERO’ to most of the American citizens of the USA. Here’s hoping he stays such and does not let the ‘Emperor-In-Chief’ use what he claims is ‘Prosecutorial Discretion’ for over 5 million people at one time in order to usurp, violate, and make irrelevant the immigration laws of the USA. Obama is also trying to create new laws allowing him to give amnesty, ‘Green Cards & Work Permits’, and issuing Social Security Cards to illegal immigrants that our laws say are not allowed to have them, and ordering individual US States to issue drivers licenses to those who do not qualify to have them by law, and all this through ‘Executive Orders’ and ‘Executive Authority’, that the US Congress has refused to give him. Through my long life I’ve come to accept that everyone was originally created equal, but rarely do the stay that way, as some over-achieve, while others under-achieve, making some people very good at their profession, and some people very poor at their profession, which Obama claims his profession was being a ‘Constitutional lawyer, and a ‘Constitutional Professor’, which is easy to see now that most of his time in college must have been spent dating ‘Mary Jane’, as public photos of him doing so are all over the internet, which explains why is so horrendously poor at knowing and following the US Constitution as the President of the USA.

  6. Illegal immigration is about the upcoming election. The welfare benefits that go along with Bath House Barry’s obsession with legalizing the illegals is the bribe the illegals get for voting for the Democrats that we, the people, pay for. If we don’t impeach him before the next presidential election, the Democrats wiil have corrupted another election.

  7. In a nation of laws where a lawless government and a criminal administration claims to rule the only recourse left to the people is the right to refuse to financially support that administration. Enough is enough, If any court in this nation sides with this criminal administration then there will be no doubt that OUR system of government has failed us and no longer serves the people. When two out of three sides of a triangle have been taken the whole thing falls down and must be scrapped and rebuilt on its original base. How many branches of our government are there and how many branches of our government have failed U.S.

  8. greyhound bus says

    Rothschild family demands nuclear war by april 3rd according an article on beforeitsnews

  9. greyhound bus says

    Russians left the embassy in London according to a beforeitsnews article

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