3,700 “Threat Level 1” illegal immigrant criminals freed in U.S. last year

Over 3,700 ‘Threat Level 1’ illegal immigrant criminals the Department of Homeland Security had held in custody were released into the U.S. last year. These “Threat Level 1″ criminals, considered the best candidates for deportation, were freed while their immigration cases were still being heard. According to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, over 55 […]

Chris Christie: No Border Fence

Potential Presidential candidate Chris Christie came out against a border fence during an economic summit hosted by Florida Governor Rick Scott. The solution to the country’s immigration issues is “not building a wall or fence on the entire border,” Christie said during an economic summit in Florida hosted by Gov. Rick Scott. “The entire border? Absolutely not.” […]

$2 Billion Giveaway: Amnestied Illegals CAN Claim Tax Credit Even If They Didn’t File Return

IRS honcho John Koskinen confirmed amnestied illegal aliens would be eligible to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for work performed while illegal even if they had not filed a U.S. tax return. Koskinen confirmed the loophole in a letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) who asked the IRS chieftain for clarification of the […]

Read Ann Coulter’s Latest Book: Adios America

Dear America, I urge everyone to read Ann Coulter’s latest book. It is right on point insofar as why some of our derelict political governors have let the reckless disregard for our immigration laws become the conduct du jour. The cultural morphing of America has been conducted without any conference with the citizenry of America. […]