Lindsey Graham: Amnesty All The Way

GOP Presidential contender Sen. Lindsey Graham told Republican primary voters they have to abandon their opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens if they want to win in the Presidency in 2016. Graham appeared on “Face the Nation” Sunday to make the apocalyptic prediction: Graham also said that Republicans will lose the White House again in […]

In-state College Tuition and “Dream Resource Centers” for California’s Illegals

Over 100 Californian state universities and community colleges will be required to establish “Dream Resource Centers” on campus for illegal immigrant students if a new bill is enacted. According to the text of the bill, the purpose of constructing such centers is to increase enrollment and graduation rates among students who meet the requirements of […]

DHS Whistleblower Threatened With Loss of Custody

Wait– aren’t whistleblowers a good thing? Apparently not in the Department of Homeland Security. Taylor Johnson, a senior special agent with a division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), testified at a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs that she had received disciplinary action after reporting problems in her agency. Johnson said she nearly […]

Malkin Blasts GOP Over Immigration in Obamatrade Deal

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin takes apart the arguments of GOP leaders on Capitol Hill who are pushing hard to hand President Barack Obama Fast Track trade negotiation power. Under Fast Track, the President could negotiate massive trade deals in complete secrecy and simply hand the result to Congress and demand an immediate up or down […]