Malkin Blasts GOP Over Immigration in Obamatrade Deal

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin takes apart the arguments of GOP leaders on Capitol Hill who are pushing hard to hand President Barack Obama Fast Track trade negotiation power.

Under Fast Track, the President could negotiate massive trade deals in complete secrecy and simply hand the result to Congress and demand an immediate up or down vote.

The Obama administration, House GOP leader John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have sold out American sovereignty. Their so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission will have sweeping authority over trade, immigration, environmental, labor and commerce regulations.

As alert watchdogs U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest and U.S. Rep Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., warn: “By adopting fast-track, Congress would be formally authorizing the President to finalize the creation of this Pacific Union and will have surrendered its legislative prerogatives. Before a word, line, paragraph, or page of this plan is made public, Congress will have agreed to give up its treaty powers. … In effect, one of the most sweeping international agreements seen in years will be given less legislative scrutiny and process than a Post Office reform bill.”

Supposedly, immigration law will not be part of any trade agreement.  However, from various leaks it has been revealed that any Obama trade deal will have a serious impact on American immigration law and Congress would be nearly powerless to stop it.


The Obama administration, House GOP leader John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have sold out our immigration priorities. Both parties have put cheap labor from illegal immigrants before American workers. Both parties support massive increases in foreign temporary worker programs that favor cheap tech workers from India and China over highly educated, highly skilled American workers who are forced to train their replacements. Both parties back fraud-plagued green card giveaway programs for wealthy immigrant investors that amount to a crony “economic development” racket. More Obamatrade documents disclosed by WikiLeaks indicate that negotiators have discussed unilateral changes to U.S. worker protections in visa law, processing times and temporary visa expiration dates.


Supporting free enterprise in America does not mean supporting a global free-for-all for every last $2.00/hour entry-level foreign tech journeyman. Past free-trade pacts have failed to live up to their overhyped promises. University of Maryland economist Peter Morici notes that under Obama’s free trade pact with South Korea, imports with that country “are up 3.6 billion” while “U.S. exports are down marginally and the U.S. trade deficit with the Asian nation has swelled to 5 billion.”

Malkin boils down the issue to a simple one: it’s the Washington D.C. elites versus the rest of the country:

Here is what those of us against the GOP-Obamatrade bills can all agree on: Both political parties in Washington are screwing over our country. American citizens are sick and tired of the permanent ruling class subverting the will of the people in the name of “bipartisanship.” We’ve had enough of Big Business betrayals and Big Government collusion.


What part of “Stop selling out America!” does D.C. not understand?


  1. John Henry says

    The problem is the “vote” trap, it caused these party leaders to ignore the constituents, and go against the values of these “in the bag” voter in favor of those on the other side of the fence.

    This is the very thing that cause the Democratic “Big Tent”. they wanted to bring in the votes of people who were not like them, as a result they only poisoned their own party, and the Values that the stood for at one time.

    The GOP only winds up with disenchanted people who are looking for new leadership…

    You know what, those votes that they seek will not be coming from those whom they are destroying themselves to attract.

  2. Everyone needs to look at the presidential candidates and walk away from those who supported this bill which I m sorry to say includes cruz, rubio and walker….Then look at your congressman or senator if they voted for this, they betrayed you…vote them out!!!

  3. If this trade bill passes, I am just going to stop voting in Federal elections altogether. I mean what’s the point? Most of these politicians are just interested in enriching themselves at the expense of the nation. We are Rome, and we are burning.

  4. johnfkostrubal says

    if you stop voting, they win . Call your Representatives and Senators, visit their offices, Get your friends and family members to do the same .Start a group, protest in front of their offices . Write to your local newspapers .
    I am not willing to hand my country over to a bunch of Socialist .

  5. johnfkostrubal says

    Check out Rick Santorum on illegal immigration . He has my vote .The Republican leaders we have, plus the majority of the 2016 Presidential candidates might as well be Democrats .

  6. alpambuena says

    why is everybody surprised that this trade bill got shot down the other day..Obama has bypassed congress on everything he could legally or illegal…especially on immigration….so based on that why in the hell would any sane person want Obama to have even more power…and why in the hell did we vote in the republicans to be the majority>>>now they are all on obamas side……WTF is going on???

  7. freetomatoes says

    and the climate change agenda too!

  8. sherri palmer says

    Get rid of this deviant who supports transgender and all of the stuff that will only make our society victims; he is out of control and is only listening to the muslims that he has through out our govt and that damn Valerie Jarrett! Get rid of him, he is on a power driven agenda to destroy America any way he can…shame on every politician who signs on and supports this judas goat!

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