What Do We Have To Do To Convince Politicians We Don’t Want Amnesty

It’s the question we’ve been asking for years and here Ann Coulter asks again, this time of a GOP majority which committed to blocking Obama’s illegal executive action for amnesty but somehow can’t manage the job.


  1. The GOP is as WORTHLESS to America as obama
    and his group of SORRY DEMOCRAPS!
    They all need to go!

  2. Amen Evan. The republicans are a spineless group of people who talk a good game but always fold when push come to shove. Do the communist fold? Never! God help us!!!!!!

  3. LOCK AND LOAD! Molon Labe!

  4. The Washington Rats, don’t care what you think or what you want- They have enjoyed the game of ‘Wackamole” with both sides-It’s what the Bankers want that they pay attention to: Amnesty is money for the Bankers, period- I am surprised at the lack of common sense that I see in these poor used souls who continue to debate ( R) or (D) Both these parties need to be destroyed forever-( or given back to England who gave us this curse)

  5. Charge these AMNESTY CONSPIRATORS as accomplices in the ILLEGAL INVASION and OCCUPATION of the U.S. They are interfering with the execution of lawfully enacted laws on immigration and border security!

    Also charge them as part of any and all crimes committed by the ILLEGALS who are here because of their Aiding and Abetting their entry.

  6. The_Frog_Prince says

    The Squishes still out number the conservatives so lets continue to make the changes needed.

  7. John Stratemeyer says

    It’s looking more and more like “the Stupid Party,” aka the GOP, is looking for ways to keep President Obozo’s unconstitutional Executive Amnesty in place. Despite the fact that they were given a mandate by We, the People, to stand behind the U.S. Constitution and stop it – along with the rest of the Mr. Obozo’s liberal/socialist/Democrat (LSD) agenda.
    Before January was out, the “Stupid Party” whined that there is “private funding” in place for the unconstitutional amnesty, so there was nothing to be done. They’ve bellyached that they have “only 54 votes” in the Senate. Now, they’re under the table over a partial “shutdown” of the Department of Homeland Security – like that government bureau has been around since the founding of the Republic! Terrified that they’ll be blamed!
    Has it occurred to “the Stupid Party” that they aren’t filibustering the DHS bill over the inclusion of funding for the President’s unconstitutional Executive Amnesty? The LSDs are doing that, even after Judge Hanen’s ruling.
    So, keep it up, you gutless GOP bozos. Ignore, or try to go around, a mandate from We, the People and we’ll return you to minority status. This time, permanently. If you want to be irrelevant, We, the People can fix that.”


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