We Never Voted For This: Ann Coulter on Kennedy’s Disastrous Immigration Reform

Ann Coulter’s latest broadside takes aim at the very real political and social fallout from the 1965 Immigration bill rammed through by Sen. Ted Kennedy.ted kennedy and obama

The tidal wave of immigration unleashed by Kennedy’s legislation was specifically designed to reinforce the left’s program of government dependency and high taxes.

Democrats haven’t won any arguments; they changed the voters. If anything, the Democrats have stopped bothering to appeal to Americans. The new feminized Democratic Party says, That’s too bad about those steelworkers in Ohio losing their jobs, but THERE’S A WOMAN AT A LAW FIRM IN NEW YORK CITY WHO DESERVES TO MAKE PARTNER!

Republicans should be sweeping the country, but they aren’t, because of Kennedy’s immigration law. Without post-1965 immigrants bloc-voting for the Democrats, Obama never would have been elected president, and Romney would have won a bigger landslide against him in 2012 than Reagan did against Carter in 1980.

As with most leftist legislation, they lied about the real intentions and impact on the country in order to ensure it would pass.

The 1965 act brought in the poorest of the poor from around the globe. Non-English-speaking peasants from wildly backward cultures could be counted on to be dependent on government assistance for generations to come.

Kennedy and other Democrats swore up and down that the new immigration law would not change the country’s demographics, but post-1965-act immigrants are nothing like the people who already lived here.

Kennedy and the left knew exactly what they were doing when they bent immigration law all out of shape 50 years ago.

No country has ever simply turned itself into another country like this.

With the media cheering the end of America and businessmen determined to keep importing cheap labor, Democrats don’t even bother hiding what they’re doing.

Democratic political strategists Ruy Teixeira and John Judis have been gloating for 20 years about how post-1965 immigration would soon produce a country where Republicans could not win an election, anywhere. Then Democrats could do whatever they want. They called the new emerging majority “George McGovern’s Revenge.”

And what has happened to America as a result of Kennedy’s immigration:

The Democrats got the voters — and the country got 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon bombing, clitorectomies, an explosion of gang rapes, child rapes, sex tourism, slavery, voodoo, Russell Brand, billions of taxpayer dollars stolen in Medicare and Medicaid scams, an epidemic of heroin deaths, soccer, bankrupt school districts and hospitals, overcrowded prisons, and endless tax hikes to pay for all the immigrant services, as small town after small town goes all-Mexican, or all-Somali or all-Hmong.

The people coming in aren’t the ones exulting about “the browning of America.” It’s smug liberals who want America to be humbled and destroyed. The cultural left is overjoyed at the remaking of our society into one that is poorer, browner and less free.



  1. sherri palmer says

    You are so right, Ann, but it can be turned around! get the wetbacks out, bring in self supporting, educated Europeans! We can undo the damage!

  2. Dudley DoRight. says


  3. DenisetheCelt says

    Jews wrote that Nation Wrecking legislation. Norbert Schlei, Jew, wrote the bill, and its official name is the Hart-Cellar bill.
    Emmanuel Cellar JEW spent his entire career in Congress as a leader opposing to immigration restriction, beginning with his hostility to the 1924 Taft Act, which enshrined quotas favoring Northwestern Europeans. And Jacob Javits JEW in the Senate. As soon as the bill was passed, Jewish organizations focused their efforts on increasing the numbers of immigrants. Jews have been at the fore-front of pushing Open Borders in White countries, and White countries ALONE, forever.

    Ted Kennedy was the “mask”. He was responsible for Mary Jo Kopechne’s death. He was highly black-mail-able. That’s why he was used as the front man. Look up the term “Shabbos Goy”.

  4. Well laws can be repealed and this one should have been repealed on September 12, 2001 but the Bush’s are every bit at fault as the rest of them. So who will step up and repeal this law and stop immigration to the US from countries that hate us and cannot assimilate?? I say not one politician has the cojones to do anything to stop the destruction of this country. Hell we cannot even get one to step up and deliver the Articles of Impeachment the North American Law Center drew up and delivered. They are all cowards and traitors and we are going to see this country fall to hell before Obama leaves office.

  5. All you have to do is cut off the reason they come. No education, no healthcare, no anchor babies, no jobs, no food stamps, no welfare, no drivers license not nothing. They will not come and those that are here will leave. We don’t need a fence we just need to cut off what brings them here and they will stop coming and self deport or starve.

  6. Maybe, if Trump does get elected he can do what Obama has been doing and use executive order to repeal the 1965 Immigration Act. Obama has been getting away with mini amnesties by executive order, so why not repeal it?

  7. That means they would have to actually enforce the laws already on the books.

  8. Vote Trump!

  9. Enough with the Jew bashing! Kennedy owns this one. If he didn’t want it to happen it wouldn’t have gone anywhere.

  10. We need a president, a congress and a senate to rewrite immigration law to state only those whose education or job training shows they can support themselves and not be a burden to the taxpayers will be allowed into our country!

  11. Remember people vote for a strong immigration law enforcer not bush, rubio or carson as they all want to have a legal path down the road and green cards. Check the cantor list online and check numbers usa to get the names of those who represent big business not us, the citizens, and Vote Them All OUT!

  12. DenisetheCelt says

    NO. The destruction of the USA is wholly kosher. He was the MASK. Facts are FACTS.

  13. DenisetheCelt says

    Trump is the only figure talking about expelling invaders.

  14. and why do you think the country needs a trump, the outspoken one…… its time to rearrange the furniture in this country…………..

  15. Camel Dung lover says

    But that law already exists. It’s just that Obama punishes anyone who wants to enforce that law.

  16. Denise, you are an ignorant moron. I feel sorry for you. You need to read Adios America by Ann Coulter.

  17. ClarenceDeBarrows says

    Short and sweet. You are so right, don!

  18. Jim Gilchrist says

    For the past 11 years I’ve been preaching what Ann Coulter and Donald Trump have been speaking and writing about here.

    Fortunately, Ann Coulter and Donald Trump have the notoriety and name recognition to effectively get the message out to the public that the USA is rapidly being forcibly changed into a country that soon will no longer resemble the America established by our Founding Fathers and preserved by all of our war dead over the past two centuries.

    The Kennedy’s, President Johnson, and the Democrat Party did this to us. They are the same ghouls who arbitrarily sent our young men into the Vietnam War where more than 58,000 American lives were sacrificed.

    Too bad most of the Republicans were too damn gutless to do anything about these calamities.

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