Walker “Changes” Stance On Illegals

Newly-minted GOP Presidential frontrunner Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin has changed his mind on amnesty.

“My view has changed,” Walker said in a “Fox News Sunday” interview taped Friday. “I’m flat out saying it.”

Walker in 2013 said a plan in which illegal immigrants can become United States citizens by first paying penalties and enduring a waiting period “makes sense.”

However, he is now saying such a plan is tantamount to amnesty, amid criticism that he has flip-flopped on that issue and others — including right-to-work legislation in his home state.

“I don’t believe in amnesty,” said Walker, who finished second Saturday in the Conservative Political Action Conference’s straw poll for potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates. “We need to secure the border. We ultimately need to put in place a system that works — a legal immigration system that works.”

Normally, when GOP candidates for President rise from the hinterlands, the Establishment’s first goal is to “evolve” their views on amnesty for illegals. Scott Walker’s declaration shows the big money donors who are trying to push amnesty have nothing on the majority grassroots support for border security and enforcement.



  1. the American says

    I’ll take it, this guy spells anti establishment all the way, and so far, he does what he says.

  2. Why is it that GOP members hoping to stay in office and or get elected to a higher office tend to have change of heart all the sudden on amnesty! I don’t believe this guy for one tick!

  3. madshark says

    Ted Cruz has never had to “evolve” his position. I prefer a candidate who does not need to change his views to be acceptable.

  4. the American says

    I hear you and somewhat agree but this is not exactly like what rubio has been doing ….going back and forth trying to say whatever is politically expedient for his own constituents At the time.

  5. Rubio is NOT interested in what Americans want he is in it for the dash for cash!

  6. TexRancher says

    We have had far too many politicos say one thing before the election and reverse course afterwards. I like Walker, but how do we know he won’t change course again?

    We don’t need a “new immigration system that works”. We need to enforce the one we have. The only reason it isn’t working now is because politicans won’t let it work and refuse to obey the law.

    So how can any “new” system work if these TRAITORS don’t want it to work? We need to get rid of the TRAITORS on both sides of the aisle! Boehner and McConnell need to go NOW! Both are gutless C.S. back stabbers!

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