Thousands of illegal minors apprehended to start fiscal year 2015

Latin Post — The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) released data on the number of undocumented immigrants already apprehended during the 2015 fiscal year, and according to the numbers, thousands of immigrant children were caught by border patrol agents to kick off the new fiscal year.

The CBP noted 5,143 undocumented immigration children were apprehended by border patrol during the first two months of the 2015 fiscal year, which started on Oct. 1, 2014. The undocumented immigrant children’s ages are people 17 years old and lower.

In comparison to the same time period with the 2014 fiscal year, the first two months of 2015’s fiscal year represented a 40 percent drop from last year. The first two months of 2014 saw 8,525undocumented immigrant children detained. For both fiscal years, the Rio Grande sector saw the largest numbers of apprehensions than other sectors recognized by the CBP. For the 2015 fiscal year, 3,222 undocumented immigrant minors were apprehended, followed by Tucson’s 858 apprehensions.

“Beginning last year and specifically in the last few months,CBP has seen an overall increase in the apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children from Central America at the Southwest Border, specifically in the Rio Grande Valley,” noted the CBP. “While overall border apprehensions have only slightly increased during this time period, and remain at historic lows, the apprehension and processing of these children present unique operational challenges for CBP and [the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)].”

According to the CBP, most of the undocumented immigrant children encountered by a border patrol agent were from Mexico, although the statistic is narrowly ahead of minors from Guatemala. Mexican minors encountered by CBP during the first two months of the 2015 fiscal year hit 1,921, while 1,495children from Guatemala were apprehended. El Salvador had the third highest rate with 1,115 minors, followed by Honduras with 506 minors.

For the entire 2014 fiscal year, the CBP apprehended 68,541 undocumented immigrant children, which was a 77 percent increase from the entire 2013 fiscal year. Overall, border patrol apprehended486,651 undocumented immigrants during the 2014 fiscal year, which the CBP attributed to the influx of undocumented immigrant minors and family units who turned themselves to border agents.

Meanwhile, the CBP entered 2015 with plans to utilize President Barack Obama’s immigration executive actions. As Latin Post reported, the CBP, an agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has partnered with the Department of State to launch a fact awareness campaign about the criteria for filing requests for deferred action programs created by Obama’sexecutive actions.

The awareness campaign, titled “Executive Action on Immigration: Know the Facts,” is a national and international outreach effort detailing eligibility requirements for the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the new Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). The campaign’s target demographic are residents from Mexico and Central America. Print and broadcast public service announcements about the deferred action programs are part of the campaign, some specifically catered for audiences in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

According to a statement from the State Department and Homeland Security, the campaign will “dissuade family members living in the United States from supporting illegal migration of family members, including by emphasizing that persons currently in the United States who help family members illegally enter the country will be barred from DAPA.”

As part of the campaign, the CBP website will be updated about DACA and DAPA programs.


  1. Belladonnacotton says

    And 10 years old and up are deadly gang members, deseased riden, theives.

  2. Rob theisen says

    expect to see more coming across the border since Obama handed out amnesty…Until we start deporting these kids (which would make the parents who sent them here expecting not only their kids to get amnesty they are also sending these minors here with full expectations of these kids getting amnesty for the parents as well)…If we start sending these kids back the parents will think twice about spending thousands of dollars to have their kids trek thousands of dangerous miles, but until we start sending some of these kids back the problem of illegal minors at the border will continue to get worse..

  3. :

    I would like to offer a modest proposal to deal with the illegal immigrant problem. It consists of four actions which will eliminate the present situation.

    First, Mr Soetoro has invited illegals to come in and if they have been here illegally for five years they will be given amnesty. My proposal is much simpler. We should advertise that if anyone is here illegally, they have 30 days to go home, and if they don’t and they are identified, they will never, NEVER be allowed to become a citizen. Their name will go on a list of permanent NON-CITIZENS.

    Second, if they refuse to go home they will be given only emergency health care and once stabilized, they will be sent home and put on the list of permanent NON-CITIZENS.

    Third, They will not be given any welfare assistance , no food stamps, no housing ,no education benefits, no drivers license, no social security benefits, NOTHING. If they apply, they will be sent home and put on the list of permanent NON-CITIZENS.

    Fourth, if they are working and their employer is identified, the employer will be fined $1,000. daily for each illegal employee. If they are renting housing, the land lord will be fined $1,000.00 daily . A system is already in effect to help employers and landlords in this effort. It is called E-verify, a program which has identified Mr. Soetoro as an illegal immigrant.

    If the illegal leaves the U.S. they can go to the back of the line (wherever that is) and can apply for citizenship, but only if they go home within thirty days .

    Mr. Soetoro has said we can’t identify 5.5.million illegals and deport them,. We don’t have to. Those who want to become American citizens will self-deport and come back legally. Those who don’t self-deport will eventually be identified by employers and landlords and be deported when they can’t get work or a place to live. It would cost a little to do the deporting, but it will be far less than the 2 trillion dollars estimated to effect Mr. Soetoro’s plan.

    Finally, we must stop misinterpreting the 14th amendment as allowing anchor-babies. A child born on American soil of a non-citizen parent is not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S., they are subject to the jurisdiction of the parent’s home country. This insanity must stop.

    America has a choice: God’s Law, or Chaos

  4. whats this undocumented crap….their illegal…so the children come…then parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents…and they all will be supported by by Obama.

  5. Rob theisen says

    I am in complete agreement..You had me after the first paragraph..Cut off the jobs and taxpayer funded goodies and these people will go home saving the taxpayer trillions..

    Anyone who skipped out on their court date should be deported and never allowed back in and never given legal residence let alone citizenship…

    That BS about not being able to identify 5.5 illegals ranks up their with jobs Americans won’t do and getting the illegals “out of the shadows.”..They are marching in the streets and demanding all kinds of taxpayer benefits they are not hiding in the shadows…

    Crack down on the employers and that will create true immigration reform from the bottom up..Dump the 14th amendment and tell anyone who was born here to illegal parents – you have two choices…You can stay here while your parents get deported back to where they came from so they can go to the back of the line and apply legally or you can go back with them..It isn’t the American worker and taxpayer’s fault your folks broke the law..If they were here legally and committed a crime they would be expected to pay for that crime why would being here illegally be any different???

    One final note..All these minors (and really anyone else) coming across the Mexican border I say turn them back at the border like we do Mexican nationals…The President of Mexico was here in the US a week or two ago pushing for amnesty for all illegals from Mexico and other South American countries…Since Mexico likes amnesty so much I am sure they wouldn’t mind putting 3 or 4 million of these illegal minors up and taking care of them..Right??

  6. sherri palmer says

    I think all illegals should go back and not be allowed to apply for citizenshjip at all, afterall, they have used every welfare system we have and made out like bandits at our expense. the gravy train is over, you cannot use us any longer, get out. Give LEGAL immigrantsa chance, only in the low hundreds and not from every country, and not every year. Have to remember that too many of any one culture will adversely affect our own culture. No more from middle east, no more from south of the border.

  7. Rob theisen says

    With the financial condition the country is in lower legal immigration numbers would be more beneficial until we get up and moving again…But you can’t bar those coming here legally from getting in…Immigration is important…Illegal immigration should not be tolerated…

    I applied to Canada a number of years ago because I wanted to see how their system works…They only accept 100,000 immigrants a year and they are picky..I have a masters degree and they told me I didn’t have a snowballs chance in Hell unless I could find someone to sponsor me for a job in Canada…For me that was very instructive..

  8. Can’t argue with that!
    Seems like a plan to me!
    Since obama is an illegal,

  9. sherri palmer says

    all minors must be returned, cannot take their word that they have families here…most of mexico is here and we cannot bring in a whole another country!

  10. sherri palmer says

    I don’t even believe that those people have thousands of dollars, they are poor people. They lie so much, they are like the muslims, tell us anything, we are suppose to feel sorry for them for all of the “money they spent.” Please!

  11. sherri palmer says

    My problem with that is, if they wwere here, they have already lived royally off of us and should not be allowed to apply for anything, not even a bandaid. They worked the system and their good thing will have ended because they broke our immigration laws.

  12. sherri palmer says

    Immigration is only important if the people are NEEDED! It is not a blanket statement. We are not trying to resettle America!

  13. cherokeeman says

    They are just like leeches. There is a way to stop them. Stop giving them jobs, free access to our social programs, free education, social security, medicare, food stamps, housing, etc. Then they would have to leave. And since they are not citizens and are here illegally, they have committed a crime against our laws and our nation.

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