They should have been deported. Instead they murdered.

Want to know what all the fuss over those released murderers is all about? Between 2010 and 2014, 121 illegal aliens were held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and scheduled for deportation. However, they were never deported and all went on to murder.

This news came as a result of an inquiry from Senators Chuck Grassley and Jeff Flake about Apolinar Altamirano, an illegal alien charged with murdering an Arizonan convenience store clerk.. One of the sidebar questions revealed the full extent of the problem.


Read the entire exchange here:

2015-05-28 ICE to CEG and Flake (Altimirano)




  1. If the court said they can t be held longer then 6 months, then bring them to trial, convict them and send them to prison where they belong. When they are released from prison deport them and if their real countries refuse to take them back..simple fix. Congress needs to pass a law stating that any country who refuses to take back any of its citizens who were convicted of a felony automatically loses all foreign aid from this country:} Then these money grabbing countries would change their minds real fast!

  2. If I had my way, I’d have them shot immediately. Why feed and house these animals in the first place. Once they’re released, even if they are sent back, they’ll just sneak over the border again.

  3. sherri palmer says


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