Ted Cruz: Why Should The United States NOT Enforce Our Laws

GOP Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz asks the question immigration patriots have asked for years: Why should the United States not enforce our laws?

He asks the question directly to Jorge Ramos, an illegal immigration zealot who challenged Cruz on the issue in a recent interview.

“I think rule of law matters,” the Texas Republican said on Tuesday’s edition of Fusion TV’s “America with Jorge Ramos.”


After the two volleyed the immigration issue back and forth, presidential candidate Cruz asked Ramos — an open advocate of legalizing the millions of illegals currently in the country — what happen to an American who crossed illegally into Mexico.


When Ramos admitted that Mexican authorities the American would be deported, Cruz slammed the ball for the win.


“So why should the United States not enforce our laws?” Cruz asked.


You can see the entire 18 minute interview below:






  1. sherri palmer says

    Cruz will give amnesty and so will Rubio….neither should be running! Carson and Trump are my only 2 choices from the pack and maybe not in that order, but certainly both.

  2. sherri palmer says

    ramos , like all the rest will defend to the end to not secure our border which protects us; ramos like all the rest wants the US to take care of another country’s millions of criminals and non self supporting…let Ramos and the rest like him, support these wetbacks in their home countries and not here, not ever!

  3. Brad Truckdriver says

    ted cruz wants this to happen in the usa

  4. Lighten up, Francis. 1. What has Ted Cruz said that implies this? 2.Is this more or less likely to happen here if we spend our time and treasure bombing the Middle East or securing our border? Cheaper and more effective to secure the border IMHO

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