Cruz: I’ll Get Trump To Build The Wall

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz would enlist the services of current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to build a border fence with Mexico should he prevail in the 2016 Presidential contest. “Would a President Cruz build a wall along the entire Southern border and if you were President, would you appoint Donald Trump to build that […]

Cruz Immigration Plan Strong on Enforcement, Caps H1-B’s

Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz unveiled his own comprehensive immigration plan recently and it has taken some observers by surprise. Cruz hits all the important points the current Administration is ignoring when it comes to enforcement: Border wall? Check. Biometric screening system at points of entry? Check. An end to sanctuary cities? Checkity check. Criminalizing […]

Limbaugh: 2016 President Primary Decided Over Immigration

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh told his listeners recently the issue which will decide who carries the Republican banner in the 2016 Presidential election will be in touch with the grassroots on the immigration issue. “What explains Trump continuing to rise when it appears the excitement has waned or peaked or what have you?  […]

Why Won’t Anyone Ask Marco Rubio About His Support for Amnesty?

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter asks the obvious question (that not a single debate moderator has the insight to ask): We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the […]

Santorum: “Mr. Conservative” Cruz Wants 500% Hike in Foreign Workers

Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum took aim at fellow candidates Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio but especially Ted Cruz over their support for massive increases in visas for foreign high-tech workers under the H1-B program. “It’s not just the Democrats. It’s Democrats and Republicans,” Santorum said of immigration supporters, according to the Quad-City Times. “It’s Marco […]

Ted Cruz: Shut the IRS and Send IRS Agents to the Border

Republican Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz offered a plan to help Americans and secure the border by saying if elected he’d close the IRS and reassign their workforce to police the Southern Border. “We need to padlock that building. Take all 90,000 and move them down on the southern border,” Cruz said of the employees […]