House conservatives want Cruz, Lee to ‘start fighting’ on immigration bills

The Washington Examiner — With the Senate poised to take up a spending bill that defunds President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, a conservative faction of House lawmakers want their counterparts in the Senate to step up their game. “It’s time for us all to do everything we possibly can do to force the president to […]

‘Immigration’ only mentioned twice in Obama’s State of the Union

The Hill — President Obama on Tuesday amplified his threat to veto GOP efforts to undermine his executive actions easing deportations. But unlike years past, the president stopped short of using his annual State of the Union speech to press Congress hard for the comprehensive immigration reform legislation that’s been a campaign promise since 2008. Indeed, Obama’s speech, […]

Pat Buchanan predicts ‘executive amnesty will not be repealed in this Congress’

Breitbart — Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan predicted “executive amnesty will not be repealed in this Congress” on Monday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.” “We know how this ends, the Republican Party is going to put up a fight, it’s going to pass something halting executive amnesty on that Homeland Security bill, it’ll go the Senate, there’ll be a […]

Obama invites illegal immigrant to State of the Union

The Washington Times — Millions will watch Tuesday’s State of the Union speech, but only a couple of dozen will do so from the most important perch: the first lady’s box. President Obama’s list this year includes a doctor working to stop the spread of Ebola, union workers benefiting from a stronger economy, a victim of […]

Rep. Jeff Denham says party’s quietly crafting broad immigration bill

Breitbart — The GOP’s most outspoken proponent of comprehensive immigration reform let loose in an interview with reporters here, detailing quiet efforts to draft far-reaching legislation, saying House leadership is “committed” to bringing the hot-button topics on the floor and criticizing President Obama for carrying out too many deportations. “We’re the party of deportation? Look at […]

Is McConnell already giving up on passing the House’s immigration bill?

The House voted 236-191 Wednesday to pass legislation blocking funding for Obama’s executive orders on immigration, but the bill faces a near-impossible battle in the Senate. In order to reach the 60-vote threshold to end debate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will need to persuade at least six Democrats to vote in favor of the bill. […]