Obama’s Latest Giveaway: Credit Cards for Illegals

Deciding that amnesty from breaking immigration law and access to taxpayer-provided welfare and other public benefits was just not enough, President Obama is now turning the screws to the financial sector to grant credit to millions of illegal aliens. As part of a recently released 37 page report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on so-called […]

Fastest Way to a Green Card: Army Doubles Immigrant Recruiting

Citing a need for “smart and talented people”, the U.S. Army has doubled its enlistment cap for foreign nationals. The Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) offers U.S. citizenship after basic training is completed — without the need for a green card or lawful permanent residency, making it by far the fastest method […]

NLRB Colludes With Foreign Government to Spy On U.S. Businesses

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has concluded a series of understandings between the U.S. and Mexico, Ecuador and the Philippines which establishes outreach programs to teach illegal immigrants how to unionize and act as spies for the NLRB against U.S. based businesses. The NLRB is already helping illegal aliens get visas through a series […]