Jeff Sessions named chairman of Senate immigration panel

Breitbart — Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is now chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration, his office announced in a Thursday release. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)—another immigration hardliner who’s stood with Sessions every step of the way over the past several years—will serve as that subcommittee’s deputy chairman. Sessions will also chair the Senate […]

Immigration reform should focus on common ground, not partisan differences

Fox News Latino — In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Obama once again called for lawmakers in Washington to put aside their differences and pass comprehensive reforms to finally fix our broken immigration system. While I have had tactical differences with the President, I believe that now the President has acted unilaterally […]

Conservative lawmakers rebuke Mitch McConnell on immigration

The Hill — House conservatives are taking aim at a new target: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Tea Party lawmakers on Wednesday directed their ire at the Kentucky Republican after Senate leaders signaled they don’t have the votes to pass a House-approved bill that would fight President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. It’s a new tack […]

House conservatives want Cruz, Lee to ‘start fighting’ on immigration bills

The Washington Examiner — With the Senate poised to take up a spending bill that defunds President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, a conservative faction of House lawmakers want their counterparts in the Senate to step up their game. “It’s time for us all to do everything we possibly can do to force the president to […]

House GOP launches secure-borders bill

The Washington Examiner — House Republicans are officially launching their immigration reform effort Wednesday, with a border security bill aimed at keeping unlawful immigrants from entering the United States. The bill could become the first in a series of measures Republicans take up in what they have promised will be a piecemeal approach to immigration reform […]

Pat Buchanan predicts ‘executive amnesty will not be repealed in this Congress’

Breitbart — Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan predicted “executive amnesty will not be repealed in this Congress” on Monday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.” “We know how this ends, the Republican Party is going to put up a fight, it’s going to pass something halting executive amnesty on that Homeland Security bill, it’ll go the Senate, there’ll be a […]