Appeals Court Seems Likely to Snub Obama on Executive Amnesty

President Obama’s lawyers received a chilly reception from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals as they tried to lift Judge Andrew Hanen’s injunction stopping Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration. 26 states sued the Administration over Obama’s order and Judge Hanen temporarily blocked implementation back in February. A three judge panel heard oral arguments over […]

ICE Agents Need Flash Cards for Obama’s Immigration Policy

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director Sarah Saldana held up a flash card used by ICE agents to remind them of Obama’s illegal immigration policy at a Congressional hearing this week. “We have actually put out real substantial training on this, sir,” Saldana told Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.). “And every officer uses one of these […]

Yoho’s Resolution Defines Obama’s Immigration Actions as Impeachable

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) has submitted a House Resolution (H. Res. 198) which would define President Obama’s recent executive actions on illegal immigration as impeachable offenses. Listed impeachable crimes in his resolution include “failing to take care that the laws be faithfully executed through signing statements or systematic policies of nonenforcement,” “misusing federal agencies to […]

Injunction Against Obama’s Amnesty Stays: Judge Says Obama “Misrepresented” Facts

Federal Judge Andrew Hanen refused to lift his injunction against President Obama unconstitutional executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens saying the President’s lawyers had “Whether by ignorance, omission, purposeful misdirection, or because they were misled by their clients, the attorneys for the government misrepresented the facts.” Obama’s lawyers were attempting to force […]

Obama Offers Free Rides for Illegals Across the Border

It wasn’t enough to open the Southern Border, now the Obama Administration is offering free rides across the border. Under the plan, called Central American Minors (CAM), illegals already in the United States can apply to have children left behind brought to the United States on a one-way free flight. Specifically, the “program provides certain […]

Obama Attacks ICE Officers For Enforcing the Law

President Obama has allegedly ordered workplace retaliation against ICE agents who continue to enforce immigration law despite his legally dubious executive actions. The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest revealed it is investigating the potential retaliation against DHS employees who have allegedly been punished for not complying with the administration’s enforcement priorities. […]